DProject: Thanks for the feedback nevertheless :)
Navagon: Hey, it's not like it matters. But, you know, suddenly everyone's got cameras in everything that do a lot of dumb shit you don't want and do so without asking. So yeah.
I'm not sure if it's because I'm a little tipsy myself, but I read that post maybe eight times and still can't tell what you're trying to say there. I mean no offense, I just don't know if you're still referring to the light source or maybe that I shouldn't take a picture of an event that happened in the thread or what. Well, whatever the case, I'm glad I decided to go grab a twelver and browse the internet instead of continuing ME 3, it's been a fun night.
Also got Puzzle Agent 2 for 1.75€ a moment ago, what a steal (at least in my book)!
tinyE: I'm still trying to figure out that link. Was it supposed to be to something?
GameRager: The link is messed up(The user didn't paste it into the url form correctly.) It's for the board game Guess Who.
Fixed [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8iOvPOAerQ ]Guess Who[/url]
I can never watch that clip without getting the flashback "Does he look like a bitch" after I saw a certain nostalgic critic's video.