ChesHatter: Hi everyone,
I'm relatively new to the pc gaming scene, and I guess I've been spoiled by GOG's DRM-free-ness so much that reality just hit me like a slippery fish.
I've been thinking about buying some newer big games like Skyrim (for their modding communities primarily), but when I looked into buying it... apparently the disc I'd buy doesn't actually contain Skyrim, but... Steam?
So I just wanted to ask the advice of people who (I imagine) have been dealing with Steam/Origin/etc longer than I have... do I kind of just "deal with it" if I want to play these games?
Are they as annoying as some people make them seem (I've read many complaints about Origin especially), or is it not all that bad? The idea of suddenly losing all my progress if my internet has a mild hiccup doesn't sound fun... amongst other issues like Origins spying on me for some reason...
Just wanted to hear your opinions. Thanks for any and all advice you feel like sharing!
When you buy a Steam game, you are really just renting it because you have no control over the game. Any time Steam feels like it it, they can mess with it or remove it or whatever. Steam also uses up resources while running so this could mess with your gaming performance if you have a weak machine. You are also giving your $$$ to the dark side.