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StonerMk2: Space Siege on Steam -
Neobr10: Amazon has it too.

I think that your best option would be Albion. Its kinf of a fantasy/sci-fi mix, buts its a great RPG. Problem is that its impossible to find a copy of this game. This is harder to find than System Shock.
I checked it and Albion looks good. I must try to play it. Now i have problem - need to choose from 3 games - KotOR, Star Control 2 and Albion :) But it's good think to have more options :)
Does Albion have freeware status?
Post edited May 30, 2012 by Lukier
Lukier: Does Albion have freeware status? I think probably yes, cause i found it ready to download.
Even if a game is available to download in the "dark corners of the net", it is not (usually)freeware. also frowns on links such as the above, so do refrain from posting it. I won't tell you not to get it from there, but be aware that "Abandonware" is not a legal term, it's mostly a description.
It is in fact still sold at Amazon for $114.99 :gasp:
Lukier: Does Albion have freeware status? I think probably yes, cause i found it ready to download.
JMich: Even if a game is available to download in the "dark corners of the net", it is not (usually)freeware. also frowns on links such as the above, so do refrain from posting it. I won't tell you not to get it from there, but be aware that "Abandonware" is not a legal term, it's mostly a description.
Woops. I edited my previous post - link is deleted. Sorry for that, I willl be more patient with freeware status.
Lukier: Woops. I edited my previous post - link is deleted. Sorry for that, I willl be more patient with freeware status.
Just to confirm and eleborate on what JMich said. Strictly speaking, there is no "freeware status" (for videogames). Even if a game has been released as freeware, the rights still belong to the rights holder. So eg. You can get Ultima IV for free here, but you cannot trade or copy it by yourself, or put in on your homepage. Most companies don't give a rats ass about that, so the "established practice" has led to terms like abandonware etc.

But legally, putting Ultima IV on a torrent is the same as putting Diablo 3 on a torrent.

I don't want to critize you or anything, just warn you for the future.


Whoops, appearently Public Domain is something like "freeware status" we don't have that in Germany, so I can't really comment on that.

Anyway, Albion isn't PD (sadly), only Abandonware. Which in my book makes it free to pirate anyway.
Post edited May 30, 2012 by SimonG
SimonG: Whoops, appearently Public Domain is something like "freeware status" we don't have that in Germany, so I can't really comment on that.
We don't? Back on the Atari ST there was lots of software akin to what is mostly called Freeware on the PC, and everyone, including the Germans who created and offered it, called it Public Domain software. Didn't realize this was actually a misnomer over here ...
Post edited May 30, 2012 by Leroux
Or £19.99, which is a pretty reasonable price, and as the OP lives in Poland, it would probably be more convenient to order it from The game is well worth that price, and a fare bit more, but not $115!

Lukier: I checked it and Albion looks good. I must try to play it. Now i have problem - need to choose from 3 games - KotOR, Star Control 2 and Albion :) But it's good think to have more options :)
Does Albion have freeware status?
Go with Albion, if you can live with the outdated graphics & controls, there is a lot to like about that game. KoTOR is probably the easiest to find for a good price though. If you decide to continue with the KoTOR series, make sure to get the fan patch for KoTOR 2, it turns a decent but flawed game into a really good game.
Post edited May 30, 2012 by AFnord
SimonG: Whoops, appearently Public Domain is something like "freeware status" we don't have that in Germany, so I can't really comment on that.
Leroux: We don't? Back on the Atari ST there was lots of software akin to what is mostly called Freeware on the PC, and everyone, including the Germans who created and offered it, called it Public Domain software. Didn't realize this was actually a misnomer over here ...
Well, we have something extremly similar

(which explains it better than I ever could)

So maybe my post was somewhat misleading. As with just about everything when it comes to digital stuff, the legal side is a first class royal clusterfsck.
AFnord: If you decide to continue with the KoTOR series, make sure to get the fan patch for KoTOR 2, it turns a decent but flawed game into a really good game.
Howso. It restores the skipped third third of the game ?

Kotor2's flaw, in my eyes, was to build up character relations and subplots, and suddenly interrupt it all for a linear beeline run to the end battles. As I understood, it was due to a sudden deadline attack, and a large amount of material had been ditched at the last moment. By "fan patch", do you mean that there has been patches to add some of the lost material, or did you have completely different flaws in mind ?
Post edited May 30, 2012 by Telika
Telika: Howso. It restores the skipped third third of the game ?

Kotor2's flaw, in my eyes, was to build up character relations and subplots, and suddenly interrupt it all for a linear beeline run to the end battles. As I understood, it was due to a sudden deadline attack, and a large amount of material had been ditched at the last moment. By "fan patch", do you mean that there has been patches to add some of the lost material, or did you have completely other flaws in mind ?
I gave up on un fanpatached KoTOR 2, so I don't know exactly how much it fixes, but it fixes a lot. It restores plenty of cut content (that was in the code, but never finalized) and also fixes plenty of bugs.
AFnord: I gave up on un fanpatached KoTOR 2, so I don't know exactly how much it fixes, but it fixes a lot. It restores plenty of cut content (that was in the code, but never finalized) and also fixes plenty of bugs.
Ok. I'll have to investigate this, thanks. It is good news, and may make me re-play Kotor2 some day. I was appreciating it quite a bit, until the sudden fastforward.
Telika: Howso. It restores the skipped third third of the game ?
Not quite, but nearly. :)

There was a "restoration project", but that was never finished.
The finished one is "restored content mod" and seems to still be a work in progress, currently at patch version 1.7.

As far as I know, they're not doing new voice acting or stuff like that, but rather piecing together the abandoned work. I played through with 1.1. or something and it was pretty great already.
AFnord: Or £19.99, which is a pretty reasonable price, and as the OP lives in Poland, it would probably be more convenient to order it from The game is well worth that price, and a fare bit more, but not $115!
Agree. It might be great (I haven't played it myself), but I feel $115 is just crazy.
AFnord: Or £19.99, which is a pretty reasonable price, and as the OP lives in Poland, it would probably be more convenient to order it from The game is well worth that price, and a fare bit more, but not $115!
Pretty reasonable. There is one for £25 that includes the box. It would be an insta buy for me if i could actually buy it, but Amazon doesnt ship to Brazil (i think the US Amazon does ship books, but not games). Ebay also doesnt have any right now.