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If you're not averse to (really) old-school RPGs, there's also Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday and Buck Rogers: Matrix Cubed by SSI.

I think there are some sci-fi modules for Forgotten Realms Unlimited Adventures, too, and enough content for NWN to try and make a Space RPG with, but I think noone has done it so far (apart from DM'd Multiplayer campaigns).
Summit: Not necessarily. Majority of people on RPG codex still consider Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura the best RPG out there. Not to mention Fallout 1 and 2. I wouldn't call that a fantasy setting.
Its pretty traditional fantasy wrapped in steampunk. I love it, but I wouldn't call it the greatest departure.

Anyway I never said EVERYONE in those clicks wants standard fantasy, just a ton of them.
Wow, I'm impressed. So many answers, so many good ideas. Thanks all.

I definitely must try KotOR (when i was a little boy i used to love this Jedi vs Sithe story).
And Star Control looks very tempting. I know that it's not rpg, but big universe and lots of alien races sound cool - yeah, space opera :)

I must read carefully this topic later and choose more :)
KoolZoid: Final Fantasy VIII is definately sci-fi and a great romp. Some people say negative things about it, but then, some people say negative things about bacon. Just goes to show, you can't always trust 'some people' :)
Well... I'm just gonna leave this here:

here i have some good space rpgs the other people before me have not mentioned yet: When they are sold by i mentioned it, when not you can google for them.

Star control 2
The Ur Quan Masters: real space rpg, you control a space ship and explore the galaxy. Fights are arcadish, you can upgrade your space ship. Where to find it for free. Real free it is freeware But you should by the version too, because you can.

Elite 3d FPS Space sim with trading, fighting, exploring.

Wing Commander Privateer -> 3d Space shooter/sim with trading and upgrading

Freelancer Space shooter with trading and upgrading, quests etc.

Space Ranger 1 You pilot your ship through the galaxfighting a big threat, upgrade your ship, solve quests, trade, fight, solve text adventures.
Space Ranger 2 ->

Dark Star One. ->

If you don't mind roleplaying a whole race, you could count Master of Orion as Space RPG. ->

Dark Spore. Spacey Hack and Slay with Spore Creatures. Meh for fans.

Space Hack. Hacknslay in space. Google it.

Hard Nova. Old school but fun.

Buck Rogers Countdown to Doomsday, Buck Rogers Matrix Cube.

Wizardry 7 Hardcoredungeonblobber with Alien races and scifi plot.

persona series on playstation 3

Xeno Blade on WII

Hellgate London Fight daemons in the ruins of london. 3d Hack n slay, very good. Recently free to play.

Gearhead. Roguelike with Mechs Free.

Doom RL Roguelike in Doom setting.

Planet Stronghold Mass effect in 2d, JRPG.

Anachronox on Very good scifi rpg. But the fights can be a little bit tedious. Simple character progression, simple itemization, but very good setting and nice characters. Good game. In which game you can control a planet?

Fallout, Jagged alliance do i mention only to satisfy murphies law.

Edit: X-Com Enemy unknown. Tactic game with RPG elements and many rocket propelled grenades.

Edit: Warhammer 40k Chaos Gate X-com clone with awesome space marines.

Eve Online :) 3d Space MMOSPRPTG Massive multiplayer online ship-perspective roleplayingtradinggame with monthly fee.

Yes i do like Rpgs in Space settings.

Have a nice day
Post edited May 29, 2012 by torqual76
I-War 1&2 have some RPG elements. Litterally, as in 'you're playing a role', because the games are space simulators above all (not your typical Freespace/Wing Commander space shooter, I-War is really a complex simulator). No statistics, only a handful of formal dialogues with choices, but the roleplay is there. And the whole universe and background is a blast if you enjoy hard-science space operas. Both games are available here, you should give them a try. I-War 1 is great but it has aged a bit, and is pretty complex. I-War 2 aged better and is easier to understand, but a bit less deep IMHO.
Jarmo: BTW, I'd really like to see a proper Sci-Fi RPG sometime soon!
Even Mass Effect got toned down to mostly having assault rifles and being a standard cover based shooter.
(As a side note, if that takes your fancy, maybe Gears of War or Killzone on consoles would fit the bill)

But I'd want something with big ships, bug eyed monsters with alien weapons, lasers and other weapons shooting twinkly light beams. Long discussions of morality and evolution, ancient evil and robots and god-like old wise beings. Space Princesses and romance and betrayal, smartass cigar smoking combat pilots, altarian brandy from ursa proxima.

Dammit! Some publisher has got to see there's a gaping hole in the market waiting to be filled.
Shouldn't be too hard? Not with the success story of Mass Effect?
Amen. I would love to see something like that, too. It really doesn't seem like anyone's ever even tried to do a real grand space rpg. I don't mind fantasy settings, but there's only so much high fantasy you can take before you get sick of it all. I know it's popular, but it's way old hat for me now.
Post edited May 29, 2012 by mistermumbles
Some other RPGs with scifi setting are:

Hard Nova
Whale's Voyage
Whale's Voyage 2
GameRager: I loved this game, well until a game breaking bug forced me to quit playing entirely(At one point the game just booted to desktop when I reached a certain point and tried to go further.). I dunno if the bug was only for my playthrough choices or happened on other playthrough types as well, but I didn't want to play other ways at that time so I never bothered replaying. It'd be a good game if they could ever get that bug fixed, though.
Which char did you play?
GameRager: I loved this game, well until a game breaking bug forced me to quit playing entirely(At one point the game just booted to desktop when I reached a certain point and tried to go further.). I dunno if the bug was only for my playthrough choices or happened on other playthrough types as well, but I didn't want to play other ways at that time so I never bothered replaying. It'd be a good game if they could ever get that bug fixed, though.
tarangwydion: Which char did you play?
tarangwydion: Which char did you play?
GameRager: Human.
I did not encounter any problem when I played (and finished) the game with human. I didn't try other characters though. Anyway, do you still have the save game file? I may be able to help you pass that part if you want.
GameRager: Human.
tarangwydion: I did not encounter any problem when I played (and finished) the game with human. I didn't try other characters though. Anyway, do you still have the save game file? I may be able to help you pass that part if you want.
That was years ago. I long lost the game data to a partial HDD failure.

Oh and btw from the few emails support sent me back when I tried contacting them I guessed it was due to how I played as human(IIRC there are several sub mission paths to choose when playing each character.).
I see. Well, most of the time I always use walkthroughs, so chances are I did not encounter that problem.
StonerMk2: Space Siege on Steam -
Amazon has it too.

I think that your best option would be Albion. Its kinf of a fantasy/sci-fi mix, buts its a great RPG. Problem is that its impossible to find a copy of this game. This is harder to find than System Shock.
Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday


Buck Rogers: Matrix Cubed

:) :) :)