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But I didn't realise just how many exciting titles there are in the pipeline :D

A list of space/sci-fi/fantasy games you can't miss in 2014

Edit: added links from the page (sans non-space games) and also links you guys have posted :)

Galactic Civilizations III
Star Citizen
Elite: Dangerous
Unclaimed World
Stardrive: Unity
Spacebase DF-9
Star Lords
Buzz Aldrin’s Space Program Manager: The Road to the Moon
Star Ruler 2
Limit Theory
[url=�]Distant Worlds: "4th Expansion"[/url]
Planetary Annihilation
Planet Explorers - Reever
Take On Mars - golea
Kerbal Space Program - golea
Race to Mars
No Man's Sky
Space Engineers
PULSAR: Lost Colony
Starlight Inception - AdamR
EVE: Valkyrie - Niggles
Star Made - Niggles
Blockade Runner

Newest links
Post edited January 13, 2014 by Dzsono
This has always driven me batty, why does sci-fi and fantasy get lumped together so much? They're completely different!
Cormoran: This has always driven me batty, why does sci-fi and fantasy get lumped together so much? They're completely different!
Because they can't tell a Quad-Wing from a Nazgul ?
I am looking forward to the new Elite. Loved it on the Spectrum and to me is my true love of space games although Freespace 2 is also in my top choice.
Cormoran: This has always driven me batty, why does sci-fi and fantasy get lumped together so much? They're completely different!
Agreed in general. HOWEVER.... There is a bit of a trend to with some "sci-fi" to be more sci-fantasy. For an example look no further than Doctor Who's magic wand.
Cormoran: This has always driven me batty, why does sci-fi and fantasy get lumped together so much? They're completely different!
"It's been said that science fiction and fantasy are two different things; science-fiction the improbable made possible, fantasy the impossible made probable."
— Rod Serling
I seriously need a new gaming rig this year. :(
I like the 40k games, but after DoW2 went Steam only and Games Workshop do not want to be involved with the sales of their IP I hold little hope for it being DRM-free.
Some great looking stuff - quite a few I knew nothing of
Sachys: Some great looking stuff - quite a few I knew nothing of
LiquidOxygen80: I seriously need a new gaming rig this year. :(
Hey, this isn't like an unwanted pregnancy; it should be a joyous occasion!

Sure, it's expensive, but the end result is worth it ;)
Star Ruler 2 - Fuck yeah !

Oh, not that kind of Renaissance.

Quite a few promising titles on there, could be a good year. The frequency of the word "Kickstarter" in the summaries leads me to believe many won't see completion, but still, plenty to pick from if even a fraction do. I noticed the omission of Homeworld: Shipbreakers, but then who knows when the heck that will be out.
Looks very interesting, especially Warhammer 40000 Armageddon.
LiquidOxygen80: I seriously need a new gaming rig this year. :(
Dzsono: Hey, this isn't like an unwanted pregnancy; it should be a joyous occasion!

Sure, it's expensive, but the end result is worth it ;)
So... like a wanted pregnancy then?