Reever: They forgot to mention
Planet Explorers, which I've backed =)
Solei: I've never heard of or seen this one before, and it looks really good. Free-roaming exploration, resource-gathering, building, action and warfare - it is all there. I also really like the way to construct new vehicles and structures in the game, almost like a generic paint program - in 3D.
I have voted for it in the community wishlist. If you haven't, go vote for it ASAP! If it comes here, i'll pick it up in a heartbeat.
I voted for it here and I also wrote the devs, they said they'd "try to release it in as many places as possible", so I'm hoping we'll see it here too. And it will be DRM free anyway, IIRC =)
Dzsono: Added another link.
ElPrimordial: Also Star Citizen case still amaze me: +$35 million crowfunding!!!!! C-R-A-Z-Y!!!! Perhaps this will be
the finest indie space sim.
Dzsono: That much backing for a space genre is absolutely mental! I feel very optimistic about this. There seems to be such a high level of attention to detail that I haven't seen before in the genre. The ship damage models are something you'd expect to see in a flight sim, for example. Individual engines can be knocked out and affect the handling of the ship, etc. I've never seen realism like that in a space sim.
Thanks for adding the link to the OP!
And yeah, this game looks absolutely fantastic, it being an MMO makes it a no-go for me, though. Also, the model might worry some people (microtransactions? Ah well, I'm not that well informed, so I don't want to scare off anybody :D).