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Niggles: Look through the Steam threads on Horizon - Apparently people are finding this game is closer to MOO2 than most others out there. Shame it seems Steam only though :/
It's got my interest. It's still in beta so perhaps they'll have a non steam version once its released for real. If not, steam isn't a deal breaker for me but it would have to be a really good game for me to want to rent it from Valve.
Reever: They forgot to mention Planet Explorers, which I've backed =)
Hey, they looks pretty cool! Thanks for the link :)
Cormoran: This has always driven me batty, why does sci-fi and fantasy get lumped together so much? They're completely different!
F4LL0UT: You suggesting that it's not magic that makes spacecraft fly or guns shoot beams of light?
Erm, spaceships flying isn't exactly hard. Everything in space is "flying".

Just don't mention "hyperspace".
ChrisSD: Erm, spaceships flying isn't exactly hard. Everything in space is "flying".
Just don't mention "hyperspace".
But to get there spaceships have to fly through the atmosphere first. Think about it.

Edit: And I'm knowingly being ignorant about ships starting from space stations, space carriers and stuff. :P
Post edited January 11, 2014 by F4LL0UT
Reever: They forgot to mention Planet Explorers, which I've backed =)
Dzsono: Hey, they looks pretty cool! Thanks for the link :)
Yeah, think so too, so I tried to advertise this during the kickstarter, but with limited success :D
Fortunately, it got kickstarted despite that, so everything's alright =)
...Yet - where are my official HD versions of Tie Fighter and X-wing? Wouldnt Freespace and I-War games along with them.

"The Space games" i used to play as kids, meaning space sims are unfortunately pretty dead. The few ive seen, like X-games just seem so bland to me.

Hopefully the Space citizen and new Elite will actually succeed at not sucking. But with all the hype, i am kinda pessimistic.
I have nothing against this surge. In fact, I think I'll enjoy it.
wpegg: Did X - Rebirth stop being shit at any point? Or is that not one of the games in play?
Dzsono: That game is completely beyond help. Patches won't fix a problem like this :(
They have a reputation for fixing their games...eventually. I'd stay away from it though. At the very least until it's on sale for less than $10. Trust me, I played it and I was lucky to get a refund. €50 got me BS Infinite, Anno2070 and the Cave.

Last week I realised, how many space games i bought in the past few month. I'd say the genre already took off last summer. Did anybody mention "Take on Mars"? It's quite fun if you like the "scientific" approach (still in beta).

And don't forget KSP! Quite the timekiller Don't let yourself be fooled by the giant helmets...You know what I mean.
Post edited January 12, 2014 by golea
golea: Don't let yourself be fooled by the giant helmets...You know what I mean.
That's actually the main thing keeping me from it (well, that and it's not actually released yet). I'd buy up a game like that in an instant if it had a more realistic tone to it.
Oddly enough as much as I loved and still love the space games of the 90's and early 2000's none of the new ones seriously get me excited.
golea: Don't let yourself be fooled by the giant helmets...You know what I mean.
Cormoran: That's actually the main thing keeping me from it (well, that and it's not actually released yet). I'd buy up a game like that in an instant if it had a more realistic tone to it.
I know exactly what you mean. I suggest watching Scott Manleys youtube channel. He likes to keep it as realistic as possible and you should get an idea what the game is like. The Demo s quite old and lacks a lot of features.
Also good links. Cheers!

F4LL0UT: Oddly enough as much as I loved and still love the space games of the 90's and early 2000's none of the new ones seriously get me excited.
I sympathise with you on that point, but I don't think you can compare nostalgia to pre-release hype. While it may not come from these listed, I'm optimistic that this space renaissance will yield at least one game that captures the magic of the '90s.
Reever: They forgot to mention Planet Explorers, which I've backed =)
I've never heard of or seen this one before, and it looks really good. Free-roaming exploration, resource-gathering, building, action and warfare - it is all there. I also really like the way to construct new vehicles and structures in the game, almost like a generic paint program - in 3D.

I have voted for it in the community wishlist. If you haven't, go vote for it ASAP!

If it comes here, i'll pick it up in a heartbeat.
Grins like a kiddy on xmas eve!
The Warhammer 40k turn based makes me curious : closer to the original or Full Metal Planet-esque ?