Posted August 26, 2013

Also it seems that the Nvidia software is conflicting with your Realtek install. I just went through this when I installed a new NIC card.
Go through each entry in your device manager, right click it, and click on "Scan for changes" or something like that. Especially do that for the one with two entries.
It should automatically reinstall your sound from Microsoft's driver list. Also, if you know what model of Realtek chip it is, you can manually install the driver from the driver install panel by selected "Choose from list" and then selecting "Sound" and then selecting the Realtek model.
What concerns me is why you have 4 nvidia entries when you use a Realtek chip - did you install Nvidia chipset drivers recently? You may want to uninstall the Nvidia sound drivers through control panel, which I'm 99% confident are just chillin' there.
Hope this helps! I'm certainly not the techiest, but this is what I would do.
Doesn't recognize when headphones are plugged in.
Oh, and this: