Tizzysawr: Sadly it's unrelated to Chavez (Not gonna defend him though, the guy is a monkey on a suit) -- GFWL doesn't serve most Latin American countries or pretty much anything outside of Europe (and even then several European countries are left out) and North America. I've managed to cheat it by using a fake US billing address + PayPal account to add funds, but that's hardly ideal.
That's why I didn't go there. The corporations that have suffered from nationalization in Venezuela have had a significant presence there, most publishers wouldn't be building server farms there as it wouldn't make any economic sense to do so, even without the remote risk of having the equipment seized. Interestingly enough, I have a feeling that they would have faced a significantly larger risk in the US had SOPA or PIPA passed. Hopefully those are going to be dropped completely.
In this case, I think it's probably more a matter of them not negotiating for rights there than anything else.
Tizzysawr: And let's not mention that GFWL won't allow you to move your data either. If you have a US account and move to the UK you need to start a new account for the games you get there, since there's no way to "relocate" your account to the new country and due to their restrictions you wouldn't be able to use a UK-based credit card on an account created in the US, for example.
Last I checked that wasn't really an issue. It's been a while, but you can back up the unprotected files for later use, it's just going to be a bit tricky due to MS' incompetent architecture. Under other OSes, you would just have to back up a directory in the home directory and wherever the program was installed to and you'd be good to go. It wouldn't be ideal, but it would work.
Admittedly, the last time I tried that was with FO3 so that may very well have changed in the interim.
But, it's probably best to drop this hear as it's way OT.