Thespian*: Not in, but thanks and +1 for your generosity, KneeTheCap!
Also, a little promotion in the Giveaways' Directory: I discovered
Poets of the Fall thanks to their ending theme for Max Payne 2,
Late Goodbye (I kept a savegame just before the end and I cannot tell you how many times I loaded the game just to hear that theme again).
And later their song
Lift was included in the 2005 version of 3Dmark.
Now I'm a fan of this Finnish rock band. :)
I wonder if someone else in the forum found out them in the same way? ;)
That game and this band were the exact ones I was going to mention myself. I got a friend to buy me the album with those two songs on (from Hong Kong of all places), but the band itself never seemed to get the success they deserved over here.
So now I have to think of something else.... hmmm..... I don't know about 'bringing it back', but game music that has interested me enough to seek out other works by the same artist - there I can share something. The 'Persona' games on the PS2 featured music by Shoji Meguro and Lotus Juice, very different to what I'd normally have listened to but I was instantly hooked. Anyone interested should know that 'Persona 4: The Golden' is coming out on the PSVita next month (and is already out in other parts of the world).