Posted February 10, 2013

Seriously, I believe that being baptized as an adult is way easier than erasing yourself from fucking church's records and from the church itself.
And as orcishgamer brilliantly said - religion isn't about conformity and presents, which is a valuable lesson. Many people I know go to church only because "others do", which has nothing to do with spirituality.
I believe that a choice if you want to believe in God A instead of B and to be a member of its church, is a choice that should be made with consciensce. I know, from my perspective, that I would be glad if my parents spared me attending to brainwashing masses, humiliating confessions and some other crap that is required to take the communion etc even though they didn't require me to go to church every sunday.
Having to tell some old prick that you touched yourself (because that's what they teach you in school) is humiliating and kids shouldn't be forced on kid just because "communion presents, yay!"
I will teach my kid, that being religious is not something you are born with, it's something you choose - and you choose freely, you don't choose something that is chosen by majority just to adapt.
And I seriously hope that families started by people like you (no offence) will be diminishing, so religion will not be an excuse to conform to society and getting some presents. Because that's just retarded.
And last but not least, a little selfish thing: I will not let my kid being brainwashed in primary school. To attend to communion you have to take religion at school. And when you are 7 year old, some old fuck will scare your kid to death with images of hell and eternal damnation if he doesn't follow some idiotic rules like "attend to church every sunday".
For many people, choosing different belief or not believing at all, would be much easier, if they weren't indoctrinized as children. And I want my kid's mind to stay clear, to make a choice on his own. And no, I will not indoctrinate my kid into atheism, because that's a bad thing too. If I'm going to teach him about religion , I will try to stay as neutral as possible. Because that's what in my opinion, a good parent should do.
Post edited February 10, 2013 by keeveek