Dashe: I was raised Catholic for most of my early childhood. My mom was a late-in-life convert. Very devout. Very militant. I had to go to CCD on
Saturday mornings. I was questioning it from about the third grade onward when I stopped believing in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus, but my mom kept dragging me to church and CCD despite many, many long, annoying protests.
Soyeong: I'm sorry, but among the many reasons to reject Christianity, comparing it to believing in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus is among the most intellectually lazy of them. It may be fine for a third grader to do, but as you grow older, it amounts to rejecting something that you know very little about, on par with people who think violent video games cause the world's problems.
It's a perfectly fine analogy to make, assuming the GP is referring to the belief in Santa Clause prior to knowing the truth.
Also, Atheists and Agnostics and those that quit their religion usually know more about religion in general than folks that stick with what they were born into.
Dashe: I didn't get the guts to approach the priest about it until I was about to make confirmation, which I didn't really want to do because I didn't believe in the religion at all. He wound up telling off my mom for being so militant that she probably wound up turning me off to religion even more than withdrawing me from CCD and letting me skip church once in a while would have done. I kind of felt ripped off, since CCD ends after confirmation. If I'd reported it sooner, I'd have probably been able to knock off a few more of those years I wasted trying to flunk out on purpose. @_@
Soyeong: It seems like the media is so anxious to tell us about any negative thing that a priest does that we never hear about all the good that they do, so it's nice to hear about one making the right move.
Perhaps, if the Church would engage in things worthy of praise it might make the news. Considering that Catholic charities pulled out of Massachusetts when they were forced to provide services across the board, including to homosexuals, it's rich to claim that it's just a media perception. The Church does some good and in exchange the Church expects to have it's way whenever it wants.
Dashe: Actually, the people who've given me problems have nearly all been Baptists and Megachurch attendees instead. I actually made the mistake of going to one once. The girl who invited me would not stop telling me I needed to go back until I gave her a very, very stern lecture. There were also a TON of solicitors. These places were like churches run by very pushy marketers. @_@
Soyeong: Speaking as a Baptist, whenever someone says they don't like Baptists for a certain reason, I always wonder about who these other Baptists are because it sounds nothing like my church.
You're probably not a Southern Baptist then, from what I can tell it's usually the Southern Baptists that people are complaining about. The ones here in the Northwest tend to be a lot less Bible bumpy.
lukaszthegreat: You want to give your kid a choice then in Poland you should baptize him otherwise you are limiting is future options and hurting hi in potential future without really any point.
Mrstarker: But why stop at that? Why not also have him circumcised in case he wants to become a jew? It will only be more painful later.
Because you'd be mutilating healthy flesh and doctors that perform the surgery are in blatant violation of the Hippocratic oath.
You can't undo the damage in case the child grows up and decides not to join a religion that requires that. It always causes permanent damage, but it sometimes causes serious life long problems up to and including loss of the penis.
What's more, there's basically no medical reason to do that proactively when proper hygiene can keep the risk of infection to manageable levels.
iippo: Do you mean by megachurch something like this:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megachurch ...ive never heard the expression before, then again - i am not really to the "scene" either.
Soyeong: That's pretty much it. From what I've seen, some of the Megachurches some of the churches have a large attendance because the pastors tell them what they want to hear while avoiding the some of gritty things that Jesus taught, but many are not like that. When they have that many people in a community, they are able to organize and accomplish a tremendous amount of good for their community and worldwide.
Yeah, and the worst ones are the ones that preach the "Prosperity Gospel" which seems to involve giving the preacher a ton of money so that the members of the congregation can get rich.
I think it's safe to assume that we agree on how heretical that is.