Posted February 08, 2013

citation needed
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom

Mad and Green
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted February 08, 2013
I realized early on that just doesn't work (in my mind) when you become responsible for teaching little minds how to think. My kid knows that many of our relatives pray and what they mean by it, but she knows their beliefs are mainly bunk and why. I deeply believe my child believes life is even more special because she knows it is fleeting. YMMV.

Enter title here
Registered: Oct 2012
From United States
Posted February 09, 2013

If you do not fit in the above categories, then the letter was not written to you.

Post edited February 09, 2013 by Soyeong

Red herring
Registered: Oct 2008
From Denmark
Posted February 09, 2013

Very selfish attitude.
Forcibly shoving your children into a box labelled "religion" is what can cause them problems.

Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland
Posted February 09, 2013

Whether you believe or not is irrelevant but not baptizing you prevent your kid in participating in communion, So no presents no memories for life. You are also causing him future potential problems because if he she wants to have church wedding as an adult your kid will have to go through some serious obstacles.
Very selfish attitude.
I want to give my kid a choice - if he or she wants to baptise himself, be a muslim, atheist, or whatever else he or she would want.
"Serious obstacles" come up mostly when you are trying to strike your name out of the church's list and records, and I want my kid to not show up in church records until s/he decides s/he wants to be there.
Which century you're writing from?
Post edited February 09, 2013 by keeveek

Registered: Aug 2009
From United States
Posted February 09, 2013
i thought lukasz was joking because to me it's so insane.
My mom did some crazy shit when I was younger but not having me baptized was an awesome decision
My mom did some crazy shit when I was younger but not having me baptized was an awesome decision

Slave of economy
Registered: Dec 2008
From Finland
Posted February 09, 2013

Bad analogy maybe - but tell your wife she is fat and should start living more healthily she'll probably do nothing and ignore the comment. However if she goes to dance with her slim friends to a disco, notices that the dancing isnt as easy as it was 10 years ago - there's fair chance she'll tell you the next day she'll start to go to gym or whatever.
The point being, the difference of knowledge given and knowledge gained by ones own effort is worlds apart.
Priests, bibles, monks, sutras, gurus and all that can be helpful to bring some idea's into one's mind - but if you just accept unquestionably one author over the rest, well then in my mind youre going astray. Badly.
Like you said yourself God (or whatever divinity) hardly fits in a box. you know how Seth killed Osiris? :)

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Germany
Posted February 09, 2013

Greed is good!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Norfolk Island

Tiny Grasshopper
Registered: Jan 2009
From Germany
Posted February 09, 2013
Yes, we don't know how it's in Poland, but you should've stated BEFOREHAND that you're especially referring to a specific situation in a specific country.
Your comment was stated in a very broad manner, as such nobody could know that it's directed towards a specific country.
Your comment was stated in a very broad manner, as such nobody could know that it's directed towards a specific country.

Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland
Posted February 09, 2013

Your comment was stated in a very broad manner, as such nobody could know that it's directed towards a specific country.
I wasn't attending religion since 2nd grade primary school (gimnazjum) and never had any problems because of that, the slightest.

Red herring
Registered: Oct 2008
From Denmark
Posted February 09, 2013

And I don't what kid believes what is his her faith, That's not an issue in regards to baptism. So when replying to me read the post properly
Note that when I posted about not baptizing your children, I did not write that it also meant they wouldn't have to pay church tax. Why didn't I write that? Because I know that is specific to the Danish reality, and I don't know if that's the case elsewhere. Hence I don't put that forward as an argument on an international forum.

Mad and Green
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted February 09, 2013

You teach your child how to be a decent person while maintaining their own beliefs, how to be polite when others offend, and how to make peace with their own beliefs as opposed to the beliefs of others.

Some things are worth changing, shit like you're describing is among them. Being a coward and just "living with it" is sure as hell not the way to go about it.
Post edited February 09, 2013 by orcishgamer

Be vigilant
Registered: Oct 2008
From Belgium
Posted February 09, 2013
In Belgium (where I live), most traditions are rooted in religion which is a problem since fewer and fewer people are believers. Because of this, more and more parents are starting to "rebrand" Catholic ritiuals and renaming them into something else.
The First Communion (when 6 years old are finally allowed to go to the communion - it's a rite of passage of sorts) and the Formal Communion (11 year olds who enter puberty) are being replaced by "spring festivities". Sadly enough, the latter is more like a hipster/hippy thing, with lots of flowers and stuff and not much better than the Catholic stuff (minus the religious theme).
Christmas is being replaced by Winter Festivities - which is fine in a way because the religious theme had nothing to do with a tree and ornaments in the first place.
In the end, I'm an agnostic myself but only in the sense that I'm intelligent enough to realize it's not possible to be 100% certain there's no force out there that spawned the universe - and heck, even if there was such a force, why should we worship it? We don't worship gravity, do we?
The First Communion (when 6 years old are finally allowed to go to the communion - it's a rite of passage of sorts) and the Formal Communion (11 year olds who enter puberty) are being replaced by "spring festivities". Sadly enough, the latter is more like a hipster/hippy thing, with lots of flowers and stuff and not much better than the Catholic stuff (minus the religious theme).
Christmas is being replaced by Winter Festivities - which is fine in a way because the religious theme had nothing to do with a tree and ornaments in the first place.
In the end, I'm an agnostic myself but only in the sense that I'm intelligent enough to realize it's not possible to be 100% certain there's no force out there that spawned the universe - and heck, even if there was such a force, why should we worship it? We don't worship gravity, do we?

Alien Chopsticks
Registered: Feb 2013
From Sweden
Posted February 09, 2013
To the OP - pretend that you are a devoted scientologist for a while. Your relatives might start thinking that you were better off as atheist :)