agentxk: Hey everyone! I am the big guy over at Gaming Irresponsibly. I hope no one took offense to Immortal Phoenix's opinions on electronic game copies. With that being said, I am glad to see the GoG community popping in to send a few comments about GoG, the service they provide is a great one and we work with them regularly. IP's opinion is just that, an opinion. As flawed as his logic is, you've done a great job of pointing out his critical flaw. Hopefully, people see that and decide to check out what GoG is all about! Stay classy folks!
Bloodygoodgames: Hey, - Welcome to GOG! Don't worry, I don't think anyone took offense at his comments, we just wished he'd talked about GOG :) In actual fact, I agreed with most of what he said.
Thanks for all the kind words everyone! I responded to the comments in that article at the bottom of the page.
I've heard of GOG but since hearing about how great the community is, I've decided to finally register.
I've got a bunch of other articles on my site btw where I try to delve into Gaming culture.
I'm really happy to hear people can sell their digital games and if that gets fully implemented I wouldn't mind paying full price for a digital download of a new game.
At this point though, paying full price is just simply unfair. Companies are pocketing that extra profit at our expense.
Thanks again for all the awesome comments btw everyone. I LOVE interaction! :)