bansama: If it were up to me, people wouldn't be allowed to play current games without having experienced the best and worst of all prior generations of systems.
Aliasalpha: Like a drivers licence, they have to pass space invaders, wizball, doom (can't stand it but there's no denying the importance), fallout, monkey island & TIE Fighter before they'd be allowed to waste money on EA crap
michaelleung: Hell yes. And I was BORN in 1994, so it's fitting to play games that I wouldn't be able to play. I do remember playing Wolf3D when I was 3 with my dad though...
I'm with Aliasalpha here. You NEED to play the C64 version of Wizball! And no, any other version will NOT do.
Ois: Yes and no. Considering how far old hardware can be pushed, when you have years of tools and knowledge behind you, you can get some pretty impressive results.
Yes! Those of us who followed the C64 through the 80s will remember the tremendous development games underwent from the beginning of the platform to the end. The early games were simple, blocky, colorless things, with nothing but a few simple beeps for sounds, while the later games had beautiful graphics, excellent music, and all sorts of nifty effects like multi-level parallax scrolling. And it was still the same hardware platform. The developers got better, not the hardware.
Unfortunately, on the PC it's the other way around. If you want to make a better, more impressive game, you don't look for ways to optimize performance of your engine, you just raise the system requirements to the latest graphics cards.