Posted September 15, 2009
Hi everyone at gog, i wanted to start by saying thank you. I have been trying to play the Tex Murphy series for a long time. I would like to suggest a few games I think would be a great canidate. the first is Noctopilis. I remember playing that game along time ago, but for some reason i could never get the sound to work correctly. Seeing how you guys and gals are geniuses, i think you could fix that. the other game is Santa Fe Mysteries: The Elk Moon Murders . I never did finish this game and though i never tried playing it in about 10 years, it would be nice to have as an easily downloaded application. Lastly, I would really love to see Southpark the game. Like Noctropolis, I could not get this to run on newer systems. Keep up the great work and hope to see these games in the near future.
PS. to the community, i realize there is a wish list and these games are on there, but since not everyone takes the wish seriously, i decided to post it in the forums.
PS. to the community, i realize there is a wish list and these games are on there, but since not everyone takes the wish seriously, i decided to post it in the forums.