infinite9: Let me make this clear to you:
If you're going to have a commercial featuring a patriotic song, you do so in the language it was meant to be in. If you want to know why my statements should not come across as racist or bigoted, imagine the South Korean national anthem getting sung in Russian. I know that "America the Beautiful" is not the official US national anthem but it is still one of the patriot songs (anthems) of the United States so don't bring it up. Also, imagine any other patriotic song (anthem) of any other country being sung in any other language than the official language or languages of that country.
Would that make sense to you? I ask because it wouldn't make sense to me just as having a US patriotic song sung in any other language other than English doesn't make sense. If the United States is to be a melting pot, then it must have a common language for people to understand each other. If legal immigrants wish to maintain their native languages, they can do so in private but when they are doing business with other Americans especially natural born ones, they should be expected to speak English kind of like how someone who immigrates to France should be expected to speak French or someone who immigrates to Russia should be expected to speak Russian.
That is what the complaints are about. That commercial was bullshit. The Coca-Cola advertising department is filled with dumbasses if they really thought that was a good idea not to mention that the commercial itself had nothing to do with the product which is another complaint in itself.
Also, if I worked hard for my place and I don't feel any urgency to give it up, then I'm not giving it up because, last time I checked, someone else is not suppose to have the special privilege of pushing me out just so that he/she can have an easier ride.
That Coke chose to do this is not an assault on English or some multicultural conspiracy. Coke is emphasizing the diversity of the USA, that it is a melting pot of
ideas as well as people.
Yes, even a melting pot of language. I don't get the anger, it simply does not make sense to me. No one is asking anyone to 'give up their place' that they 'worked hard for'. It seems to me that a lot of people are getting their knickers in a bunch over absolutely nothing. I have yet to see a response that does not conjure up visions of lily white bigots wrapped in the flag and waving bibles in the air to ward off evil unpatriotic spirits. I am not saying this is you, but the attitude in the post drips of the vitriol that permeates most tweets on the topic, it is hard not to see it.
This is the same group who oddly and quite ignorantly called the recent Miss America a terrorist.
And said that a natural born american should not sing the actual national anthem because he is of Mexican descent. And don't know that Puerto Rico is part of the USA. The attitude is earth-shatteringly sad, especially since it seems to come from a lot of young people.
That people who immigrate here should learn to speak English is a no-brainer. If you want to do business here, sure. English is not official, though it is the dominant language, no one disputes that, not even Coke Corporate. A new immigrant in their 30s and 40s may have a hard time becoming proficient enough to satisfy the people who look for anything to be outraged about. Their kids however will, they will speak very well, without an accent and in time they will have kids who speak English-- who will also likely know their native language and perhaps even speak it just as well.
It is ironic that while these people will criticize the commercial over the use of languages other that English, it is obvious that they barely have a grasp of it themselves while that vomit hatred over Twitter and Coke's Facebook page. Most also apparently had no idea the song is not the national anthem.
All of the singers and people in the commercial were American, but they were not the special definition of American held in the minds of the detractors. I think that speaks volumes of the attitude displayed by those who disliked the commercial because of the 'language'. The whole 'English' angle smacks of a code, a double speak for 'brown people'. Their criticism appears to be entirely born out of misguided, racist "white pride" from under-educated yahoos who think everyone should speak English-- 'as Jesus intended'.
There are far greater and more serious things to get angry about. If these angry people could devote that energy to something useful, perhaps we can solve some serious problems in this country. But they won't, because they are too busy raging against people who look and sound different than them.