lowyhong: Well, yes, but what I also thought interesting was his remark that companies would rather not have DRM if they had a choice to. And this is coming from a guy who worked at mainstream companies before, so there's a certain level of credibility there.
Well let's just remember that "having a choice" means if there was no piracy
AND, very important, if there wasn't any second hand sales either, let's not forget that even in the wonderfully piracy free world of PS3 gaming you have the same companies complaining about how much money they lose because of all the evil bastards who dare buying used games...
Aliasalpha: The best description of it I've heard is that they're setting up an MMO infrastructure without the benefit of the monthly fees
Yet! I think the keyword here is "yet". I would be extremely surprised if the idea of "pay per play" hasn't crossed the mind of some Ubi's higher-ups, especially after seeing OnLive.