wpegg: Actually I'm genuinely confused. What is the setup you're working with? I didn't realise that you could use Razor with old style ASP.NET code behind stuff.
Sorry, I just started reading through this right now:
http://www.asp.net/web-pages/tutorials/introducing-aspnet-web-pages-2/intro-to-web-pages-programming, and I'm trying to understand the general concepts.
Looks a bit similar yet different than the .aspx / aspx.cs separation that happens with Web Forms, or the even further separation to models, views, and controllers with MVC (when the ASPX view engine is used).
Seems to me that it is similar to how PHP works (at least in those examples).
EDIT: Trying out a few ideas right now, is it a good way to create an empty website and then add cshtml files? Or should I directly create a Razor website out of the provided template in Visual Studio? Is creating an empty website and using Razor for it is going to cause me issues later?
EDIT2: And now this is kind of pissing me off. I don't see an obvious way to set the damn project to use Web Pages 2 (with Razor) instead of Web Pages 1 (with Razor). As a result, I have to use href="@Href("~/Shared/StyleSheets/Base.css")" instead of href="~/Shared/StyleSheets/Base.css". -_-
EDIT: Fixed the last problem by installing WebMatrix. It automatically detected and upgraded from WP1 to WP2. Strangely, Visual Studio didn't seem to care.