When I was in a high school we had student's exchange with Sweden and I was gifted by one of them with [url=http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=TS_2J4Z6pDmYSM&tbnid=ARUliwm2X8xz5M:&ved=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fanpop.com%2Fclubs%2Fchocolate%2Fimages%2F522027&ei=UyvNUe74L43APPW5gYAP&psig=AFQjCNEzLrPbEZm_T7WFeCTgBZEUCCMtlA&ust=1372486867811715] Daim candies[/url]
I loved those and bought it later on many occasions but in time they became a bit oversweet to me. Did they alter receipt or my taste just changed, I don’t know…
In general as far as sweets are concerned I grew up in times when (in Poland at least) sweets were rather plain, simple and, most important, not as sweet as nowadays. Also if you bought wafer or gingerbread you had to bite it hard. Now almost all sweets are soft, delicate, oversweet and, in general, sh..ty.
On of the few I like is
rice bread with dark chocolate.