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I hate everything and anything related to this "social" garbage. Social networking, social features, whatever, it's all pure cancer that should be incinerated in holy hellfire. Nothing but hypersocial sub-IQ morons trying to attention-whore themselves and force other people to socialize.

Services like Facebook are literally the embodiment of the collective feces of humanity.
zygm0nt: As for the suggestions of me not being social enough - with reputation = 0. Those are probably grounded :D As I've stated above I'd like to have a place to put my screenshots on. And facebook is not the place I want those to be seen.
XFire :)

It was offering friends lists, instant messaging, screenshot posting, videos and gamecasting long before Steam and were ever a concept. It amazes me to this day that people think that Steam thought all this stuff up when it's basically an XFire clone with DRM.

XFire also supports a lot of GOG versions of games, including DOSBox titles (so playing the GOG version of Redneck Rampage will flag up in XFire as being Redneck Rampage).
Post edited January 16, 2014 by jamyskis
Crosmando: Services like Facebook are literally the embodiment of the collective feces of humanity.
As opposed to pure gold of enlightement that you're posting :-P
Fenixp: As opposed to pure gold of enlightement that you're posting :-P
Glad you agree, sometimes I write so much enlightened gold I need to print off my thoughts and mail them to the local Buddhist temple for safe-keeping.
Social relations by the quantity : No.
*friendlists* are a friggin' heresy. I puke on the guys who first called these long lists of contacts on social networks "friendlists".
If you ask me (and by "me" I dare mean "most of older people"), those flippin' social features are another hindrance to make something constructive with your time.

Yep, I pretty hate those kind of things.
A revamp of the forums it's the maximum that i can tolerate. Social features, thanks, but no!
You guys do realize that social feature implemented by GOG don't necessarily mean 'Facebook', right? What I'm hoping to see is some sort of dedicated servers system, either maintained by GOG, or at least keeping a database of user servers that we could play on together. And systems to reasonably plan community events, other than posting a forum post and hoping to GOG it won't get burried.

Crosmando: Glad you agree, sometimes I write so much enlightened gold I need to print off my thoughts and mail them to the local Buddhist temple for safe-keeping.
Are you sure the monks survived the maelstorm?
GOG doesn't have the resources for anything like that. I mean they could make it, but the servers and management involved would be a net loss and they wouldn't be efficient.

Not to mention that the people here generally feel that anything that connects them to anything is evil. Keane forbid that someone sees you're online or what you're playing.
MaximumBunny: GOG doesn't have the resources for anything like that. I mean they could make it, but the servers and management involved would be a net loss and they wouldn't be efficient.
Well since servers like that would need to be free of charge, of course it would be a loss, just like all the community features Steam happens to support :-P I honestly do believe that similar features (what I said is not the only way to go about the issue - some sort of agreement with gameranger would work as well) would go a long way in luring people in trough the promise of experiencing classic multiplayer again, which is fairly hassly to get working nowadays.
MaximumBunny: Keane forbid that someone sees you're online or what you're playing.
You cannot hide...
Fenixp: or at least keeping a database of user servers
Yes, I'm sure the NSA would also be very interested in these database lists of users and their information.
Daliz: Please no.

All this social crap is what annoys me greatly about Steam and many internet sites of today. All the time I have to be so fucking social.

And now someone says: don't use the social features. Well I don't, but I still have to look at it all the time, one can't avoid it.

GOG website is nice and clean now as it is, don't break it.
This, so very much this.
If GOG were to implement some social features, they should definitely be out of sight under a separate tab. So that if I'm not interested, I'm not forced to look at that crap unless is specifically want to.

Updating the forum software is okay though, some more search options etc but that's not 'social'.
Crosmando: Yes, I'm sure the NSA would also be very interested in these database lists of users and their information.
An opt-in list, obviously. I'm not talking about a list of servers that GOG would collect agains the wills of their maintainers who might not wish to have more publicity / issues
I accept, like and wholeheartedly support social features like this. If you can implement it here - go ahead, you will have my eternal gratitude. If not - don't. Just don't ;D