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1- Sci-fi
2- Humans. Sorry, but even when playing DnD I almost always pick a human :P
3- Mmm.... toughie. Magic
4- Why are you making me choose? D: mmm.... Cyborgs
5- Star Wars
This is a game which I've had my eye on more or less since I came to GOG, and already had added to my cart, so I'm in!

1) Fantasy. I like the others a lot too, but fantasy is my favourite by far. Or a combination of all three.

Of course, it depends how you define 'fantasy'. I'd define the 'Mortal Engines' series, rather counterintuitively, as fantasy as well as steampunk/post apocalyptic, due to the way in which 'old tech' is treated by the characters (and, by extension, the audience), as an unexplained phenomenon which they no longer understand, but which works and has visible results. After a lot of thought, I concluded that that was the best definition of 'magic' I could come up with, and defined 'fantasy' as 'genre containing magic'.

Deep philosophical discussion aside, let's move on to question 2.

2) Depends rather on my mood. I play dnd, and have had successful and enjoyable characters of all those races, apart from dwarves. The fact that I've had little interest in them means that they're probably not my favourites (to roleplay as, anyway: as characters in stories, like Gimli in LOTR, etc, I quite like them). Other than that: I'd probably go with elves, IF they're done well and are interesting, rather than just being the generic fantasy fare we so often get. In particular, the Dunmer in Morrowind are my favourite specific fantasy race, and I'm currently building an elf for a new dnd game who - as opposed to the standard human child is brought up by the elves and comes back strangely different - has been separated from the elves, and brought up amongst humans. Should be interesting when we encounter elves, especially as he's only (culturally) the equivalent of about a 12 year old at 57!

3) Magic, generally, which is probably why I'm less fond of dwarves. Stealth is also a lot of fun, though, and might have been my choice if it had been available.

4) Depends very much on the setting/genre. If it's fantasy, then monsters, obviously. Sci-Fi, I'd...probably go with aliens. More interesting, and more likely to have unusual personality traits/weaknesses than the other two, which makes for a good story.

5) I'll say Star Wars, as I've watched that rather more, and haven't really got into Star Trek. I suspect that if I did, though, then Star Trek would win.
Already have the game but I will participate.

5.Star Trek
I'm in amigo

1 - Fantasy, Sci-Fi, or Steampunk? Fantasy

2 - Dwarves, Elves, Halflings, or Gnomes? Elves

3 - Might, Magic, or Technology? Might

4 - Monsters, Aliens, Robots or Cyborgs? Robots

5 - Star Trek or Star Wars? Both

Thanks for the give-away +rep
1- depends on the mood
3-Magic &/Or technology
5-Star Wars
Who wants Arcanum??? \o/
Hey, here! Thanks for your generosity!

1.Sci-fi and Steampunk
2.Hmmm, I´m not in the fantasy mood, but I go with the dwarves and their mighty axes!
3.Might and a bit of tech
5.Not a fan of either. I stick with Start Trek though for the spacefearing.
Post edited June 01, 2013 by tokisto
thanks for the chance to get this great game

1) fantasy, sci-fi, and steampunk

2) elves and dwarfs

3) magic

4) monsters, aliens, and robots

5) star wars
Please let me win, I almost could have won the last Giveaway, but I was too slow :(


1. They are all good in their own way, but I go with Fantasy as it slightly edges out Sci-fi and Steampunk (only to be beaten by Post-Apocolyptic which is my fav)

2.Halflings (Hobbits)

3. Might, I am a Warrior guy at heart and always will be.

4. I am more scared by monsters than extra-terrestrials and robots because Monsters could be anything, even yourself.

5. Though I have never watched anything at all from it, I would have to say Star Trek because I finally "get" Star Trek after watching videos on Youtube like these:

Star Wars is mostly space faring adventure fantasy, while Star Trek is more realistic and offers deep complex topics such as politics, racism, religion, even death.
1. Fantasy, but by a nose, over Sci-Fi
2. Half-Elves. or Dwarves.
3. Magic, I suppose.
4. Would choosing monsters from outer space be cheating? or will those just be classified as aliens?
5. Gah, torn on this one. Star Trek if forced to choose one, I suppose.

Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm in, thanks for the giveaway.

1) Steampunk for sure

2) Halflings

3) Technology

4) Cyborgs

5) Star Wars
JohnWalrus: Great giveaway! +1 :) Count me in!
You're in AND you win! I'll PM you your code now!

You (and anyone else who plays Arcanum) will definitely want to download the CircleOfEight patch as it will fix a good number of bugs!
Post edited June 01, 2013 by ChaunceyK
JohnWalrus: Great giveaway! +1 :) Count me in!
ChaunceyK: You're in AND you win! I'll PM you your code now!
WOOOOOOOAH! Thanks, ChaunceyK! :3 Planescape: Torment put me in the mood for another good RPG; I bet this'll scratch that itch! Thanks again!
Congrats Johnwalrus and thanks ChaunceyK.

can i answer anyways even though its over?
Sci-Fi (although fantasy is cool)
Aliens (robots is a close second)
Star Trek (did anyone really think i was gonna sat the other?)
Post edited June 01, 2013 by chezybezy
Novotnus: 3. Technology. We need A game with \ about Nikola Tesla.
Damn, these giveaways go by so fast, a man can't even enter for someone ;)

Congrats to the Walrus and thanks for the gem giveaway Chauncey, +1