stonebro: Allright, it's now 2010, or almost, all around the globe and still there is no mention of the much coveted Half-Life 2: Episode 3.
In the meantime though, Valve have been busy with other tasks. First, we had Team Fortress 2. Then, out of left field came Left 4 Dead. A bit later and we have Left 4 Dead 2 which is Left 4 Dead with everything being bigger and better.
But why no Episode 3? Why no other single-player releases, like Portal? Is it just because those games don't generate enough revenue anymore?
I don't think so.
This recent furore into multiplayer gaming has allowed Valve to do one thing; upgrade and expand their architecture, try out various things in the realm of multiplayer games, while still making money off it.
But where does it all end? Are we going to see Left 4 Dead clones for three years? Maybe an alien or combine invasion themed game based on the same mechanics? Have Valve suddenly shifted focus to releasing fun, over-the-top multiplayer games instead of state-of-the-art story-driven FPSes? In short, what about Half-Life?
I think Valve are up to something big.
Like a MMO Half-Life universe.
Half Life episode 3 MIGHT be out by this time next year.
Half Life 3 will be COMPLETELY episodic, and by the time it's released, there will have been 5 L4D's.
Remember I said that.