JKHSawyer: Used to believe in them, now I think they're bullshit. As I grow older I become less and less superstitious.
I saw an interesting video explaining that, a lot of ghost sighting are probably caused by some kind of noise frequency, which causes the brain to hallucinate plus feel anxious, and the stomach to get nauseous. I wish I could find it again.
It is true that a lot of "ghost sightings" are caused by some kind of noise frequency. It has been proven but they should not be called ghost sightings in the first place. There have been many ghost sightings outside in places without any kind of noise frequency...BTW.
Solei: I witnessed something logically unexplainable first hand when i was nine years old, when my mom was dieing from cancer. That piqued my interest for the subject, and thanks to that i now believe that there's more to existence than we can see feel and taste. And that there's other dimensions where spirits exist.
Atheist neurosurgeon near death experience:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AGNnOk6dhA I don't believe that our existence here is a mere coincidence. Something or somebody must have started it all.
I was close to death in 2012 and witnessed something terrible...