wvpr: As good as the game is, it has a very high difficulty curve. The only reason the lower-end ships have a chance is selective enemy AI targeting. You need your dodging, target selection, and power management at full potential to beat many missions.
wpegg: That's the thing. Everyone plays in from X-Wing, where you have shields, then you're in a TIE Fighter and you're suddenly incredibly exposed. First death I encountered in it was by destroying a ship, and being killed by the debris.
It's not selective targetting, it's just that you need to be a constantly unpredictable target while targetting them. It's why it's so great.
It's epitomised by the mission in which you're in a TIE Interceptor, and asked to clear a minefield. That's a seriously tough mission, but after that you're pretty much in line with the way the game wants you to think.
I literally snapped a joystick handle off on that mission. Winning it is mostly a matter of evading nonstop, but getting all the bonus objectives is close to impossible.
Target selection has more to do with how quickly you can lose when you
aren't dying from collisions. TIE Fighter has the same demanding victory conditions as X-Wing on top of the added challenge of keeping yourself alive. You have to shoot down enemy attackers or destroy the right enemy objectives to win. If you don't, the mission critical ship dies too fast or you run out of time.
Great game, but tough. Very tough.