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tinyE: The thing is, that is the most accurate, dead on, A+ assessment of the prequels I have seen (I'm totally serious, it's a beautiful post) yet I still love them. Maybe it's the John Williams music, who knows? You know that was the first thing I ever learned to play on my guitar?!
Tarm: He forgot the part where Jedi Knights went from cool mystical samurai sort of warriors into magical magic wielding superhero kung fu demigods that can jump to the moon magicians. Sometimes it felt like watching the bastard child of a crappy Marvel heroes CGI feast movie and a fantasy magician wars one.
Mace did some pretty strait forward ass kicking at the end of E2. No gymnastics there, just strait forward decapitation.
Nirth: I'm 23 and I watched the original trilogy when I was about 10 right before episode 1 was released I think, maybe a year or so. I have always liked the original trilogy but I did enjoy the newer ones as well as we got some extensive lore to what actually happened before episode 4.

What I don't like about the original trilogy is the empire. It's a soulless antagonist with nothing to reach for, like the equivalent of the nazis during world war 2. I prefer the man behind the curtain hence the focus on the emperor and how he rose to power as opposed to his little project to take over the galaxy. Then again the movies is about the adventure so I suspect when I was younger I was just caught up in the magic and ran with it.
The Empire in the original trilogy was well done I think. Gave me the impression of say The Roman Empire during a period when they had a mad emperor with people fitting for that in positions of power like senior officers.
Tarm: He forgot the part where Jedi Knights went from cool mystical samurai sort of warriors into magical magic wielding superhero kung fu demigods that can jump to the moon magicians. Sometimes it felt like watching the bastard child of a crappy Marvel heroes CGI feast movie and a fantasy magician wars one.
tinyE: Mace did some pretty strait forward ass kicking at the end of E2. No gymnastics there, just strait forward decapitation.
Yeah but it's the over the top ones that tend to stick with you because they was so, well VERY over the top.
Post edited December 15, 2013 by Tarm
I'm mostly just a fan of the original trilogy, but also many of the books and games.

I've heard that the coolest way to enjoy all of them, for someone who's never seen the movies is:

And new ones are coming out next-next year! Directed by J. J. Abrams, though, so I'm a bit suspicious.
Time to play a little Galactic Battlegrounds Saga.
Yes it's AOE2 with a SW wrapper but it's a really cool wrapper!
wpegg: I think I'd call that the "Narrative temporal order".

I think the thing about the original trilogy is that most people who love it, watched as kids. If you watch it young then the bad bits get smoothed over, and you get caught up in the magic. Most people that I know that dislike it have tried watching it when in their teens or older, and of course by then are too skeptical to get carried away.

This is similarly why there was little chance the prequels could ever please both child and adult alike (they opted for children, which is probably the smarter move).

I fundamentally disagree, see above.
Red_Avatar: You may disagree with I agree with him to some degree. The original trilogy was for young adults and adults, the prequel trilogy was for kids as well - it's this kids part that bugged me a lot personally. I found Star Wars very scary and fascinating at the same time as a kid. The prequels don't have that feeling (I tested this theory on my nephew who LOVES the prequels but finds the original series too scary to watch - he's 6 - so I consider this a FACT).

There's many many problems with the prequels though:

- some poorly picked actors throughout made worse by wooden acting (partially caused by the 3D scenery which limited interaction a great deal)

- Anakin as a child was just a brat. There's a reason a lot of movies with kids acting, are disliked because of the kid.

- a lack of real proper comedy (and I don't mean the retarded slap stick Jar Jar-pleasekilleme-Binks caused) - C3PO was still funny but the other actors couldn't be funny if their lives depended on it. Yes, Luke sucked at being funny as well, but Han Solo and Leia + C3PO were gold together. There's nowhere near anything like this in the prequels.

- a horrible horrible horrible HORRIBLE horrible HORRIIBBBBBBBLE love story between Anakin and Padme. I mean, it's "retch inducing" it's so bad with CGI apples flying about the place. Dear LORD that was bad and painful to watch. Thank GOD the original trilogy had nothing like that.

- and to end it with the worst sin of all sins: they turned Anakin in a bitchy bratty cunty emo fuckwit. In the original trilogy it sounded like he was this amazingly cool guy who fought valiantly for the light side but in the end fell to the dark side. The actual story is so horribly laid out, until this moment I've never managed to watch more than half the 3rd movie. I physically can't, it's that painful to see how George Lucas is taking a massive dump over all our expectations.

So yes, the "new" trilogy is pretty horrible. It has nothing to do with rose tinted glasses and all to do with us having to fill in the blanks for many years by ourselves. We could only imagine what the Clone Wars were, what Anakin did to fall to the dark side. I want to bet not a single person imagined such a lame and poorly executed explanation - except for George Lucas *facepalms*
Actually, I liked the Clone Wars (both the original animated version, and the CGI series), they made Anakin into a likeable protagonist who's faults were there but he wasn't the same Anakin as the movie version. He was caring, and genuinely a good person who was slowly corrupted by darkness (as should have been in the movies) and even his padawan (in the CGI version) kind of grew on me over time. The original feature length (and season 1) of the CGI I'm not too keen on, but fom about season 2 to when it was stopped are all solid seasons and worth a viewing (I still need to get copies of seasons 3-5 (I think it was 5 when it was cancelled). The Clone Wars (animated and CGI) were the first times I have enjoyed Star Wars on screen (I still loved some of the audio work, novels, comics and games) since the Original Trilogy.
babark: I'm mostly just a fan of the original trilogy, but also many of the books and games.

I've heard that the coolest way to enjoy all of them, for someone who's never seen the movies is:

And new ones are coming out next-next year! Directed by J. J. Abrams, though, so I'm a bit suspicious.
He supposedly is a Star Wars fan and wanted to make a Star Wars film. Instead he got Star Trek which he didn't know much about so he made it a bit like he imagined a Star Wars film.

My point is that I'm cautiously positive about it.
Regardless of what anyone thinks about the two trilogies, there is a great deal to be thankful for: we got some downright awesome games out of them:
KOTOR 1&2 ( Bastila Shan <3 )
Rogue squadron
Jedi Knight II : Jedi Outcast
Dark forces
Galactic battlegrounds - TinyE likes it it seems
Star wars episode 1 racer - Man we really need another one of these
Star Wars Empire at War - actually very very cool
Red_Avatar: <snip because it's a long post>
I think I've confused things. I was never defending the prequels, I was suggesting the original trilogy is something that you like young, or you don't like. The prequels were dire (though the third one had some redeeming features, for example Obi Wan finally looked convincing).

So I suppose that's the disagreement we have, was the original aimed at kids, or even attractive to kids. I'm not suggesting star wars wasn't aimed at young adults, just that you only really caught it when you were young (it had a universal rating after all, so it wasn't kids averse). Young I'd suggest was between 6 and 12.

As for your fact, I was about 6 when I watched star wars for the first time, so all I think you've proven is that your nephew's a pussy. These are fighting words... :)
s23021536: Regardless of what anyone thinks about the two trilogies, there is a great deal to be thankful for: we got some downright awesome games out of them:
KOTOR 1&2 ( Bastila Shan <3 )
Rogue squadron
Jedi Knight II : Jedi Outcast
Dark forces
Galactic battlegrounds - TinyE likes it it seems
Star wars episode 1 racer - Man we really need another one of these
Star Wars Empire at War - actually very very cool
I love Star Wars Battlefront. It's like good old Battlefield perfectly ported to the Star Wars universe.
tinyE: Sometimes he's even there when I'm not dreaming. :O
Tarm: That probably started happening after some months with daily shovel headbanging. :P
s23021536: Very nice :) We also like to watch them in chronological order. Uhm well by which I mean I,II,III,IV,V,VI which might or might not be considered chronological (depends on how you look at it)
wpegg: I think I'd call that the "Narrative temporal order".

I think the thing about the original trilogy is that most people who love it, watched as kids. If you watch it young then the bad bits get smoothed over, and you get caught up in the magic. Most people that I know that dislike it have tried watching it when in their teens or older, and of course by then are too skeptical to get carried away.

This is similarly why there was little chance the prequels could ever please both child and adult alike (they opted for children, which is probably the smarter move).
I think it's a bit different. The original trilogy wasn't particularly high brow or sophisticated the way that Startrek was, however, it was a compelling story with good actors and special effects that held up well.

One of the huge mistakes that George made when he did the casting for the prequel was ditching the group casting that he did for the original trilogy. One of the reasons that the originals were so fun to watch was that the actors had real chemistry.

In other words, they didn't so much opt for kids as they opted to make a trilogy that was so generally bad that you'd have to have a lack of exposure to quality films in order to enjoy. That or turn it into an impromptu MST3K impression.

EDIT: I see I may have misunderstood your point a bit there.
Post edited December 15, 2013 by hedwards
s23021536: Regardless of what anyone thinks about the two trilogies, there is a great deal to be thankful for: we got some downright awesome games out of them:
KOTOR 1&2 ( Bastila Shan <3 )
Rogue squadron
Jedi Knight II : Jedi Outcast
Dark forces
Galactic battlegrounds - TinyE likes it it seems
Star wars episode 1 racer - Man we really need another one of these
Star Wars Empire at War - actually very very cool
Tarm: That probably started happening after some months with daily shovel headbanging. :P
Ha ha. I love those movies. :)
I love both trilogies but definitely prefer the original one and do find faults with the prequels. I think both Clone Wars series are better than the prequels, excellent in portraying the relationship between Obi-Wan and Anakin more than the prequels ever did. I see the good friend Ben briefly talked about to Luke in A New Hope.
Tarm: I love Star Wars Battlefront. It's like good old Battlefield perfectly ported to the Star Wars universe.
Sigh, I always wanted to play that. Looked really good. Mostly I wanted to drive a speedbikething on Endor to imitate that sequence in episode VI :D

dr.zli: TIE FIGHTER, you forgot TIE FIGHTER!
O wow yeah! feel kind of ashamed now :P
Republic commando was also quite good I hear...
Post edited December 15, 2013 by s23021536