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Elvin37: My wife passed out today and we called the ambulance and they took her to the hospital, turns out she had a big blood clot that moved from her leg to her lungs and her only way of treatment is her phobia which are needles she did manage to get today's dosage of blood thinner but there's a few more days to go hopefully everything will go fine.

Sorry for mentioning this here but I figured I might as well share it with people whom I consider pretty much family.
Thank you for listening.
Wow, you're lucky she's alive, a pulmonary embolism is serious shit, and any time you've got a clot moving about the body like that you can very easily wind up with a fatality.

I hope she's OK.
Elvin37: My wife passed out today and we called the ambulance and they took her to the hospital, turns out she had a big blood clot that moved from her leg to her lungs and her only way of treatment is her phobia which are needles she did manage to get today's dosage of blood thinner but there's a few more days to go hopefully everything will go fine.

Sorry for mentioning this here but I figured I might as well share it with people whom I consider pretty much family.
Thank you for listening.
I hope everything turns out OK. Give us an update when you can to say how things are going.
Good luck with your wife, I hope she gets better soon :)
low rated
Post edited April 15, 2013 by tinyE
I hope your wife gets well soon.
tinyE: snip
It is NOT funny
Post edited April 14, 2013 by tburger
Here is a little card you can give her from your extended family.With sincere hopes that she will.
tinyE: snip
tburger: It is NOT funny
TinyE already sent his wishes on previous page.
Best of luck to you both. My mother's had two of those in her legs (one as a surgical complication and one from inactivity during a bout of pneumonia) in the past 30 years, but she's still quite vigorous. Have faith that she will do well with the treatments, especially after she can go to just swallowing a pill. :)
i hope your wife gets well soon.

So she has made it through the night all right without too many issues she was throwing up a bit and getting really uncomfortable they had to give her some gravol ( I think that's what its called) and morphine cause she couldn't keep pills inside of her long enough for them to kick in which caused her to be very drowsy and out of it which made it a bit more cooperative to get blood work done, she has also been moved out of the emergency room to a private room as her condition has stabilized she is now on an electrolyte infusion ( I'm not too good with all these sciency thing ) and is pretty calm.

I myself have managed to get a bit of sleep while her mother is there with her I was up for over 24 hours and didn't really eat anything I will be going back in half an hour.

Again many thanks to everyone I am very grateful
aw hell Elvin37 - my best wishes to you both
Sorry your wife is in the hospital. I know exactly what you're feeling. My Mom's been in the hospital for almost 6 months with stage 4 cancer of the stomach. Her oncologist gave her 4 months to live from last month. She's stopped taking chemotherapy and has turned to alternative medicine. Her new doctor told her "having cancer is not a death sentence". So while she is here in the western medicine hospital with a GI tube that sucks out the bile (she can't pass stool) she's started her new alternative treatment. She's going to be released soon to come home since she refused any more chemos (she's had 9). The only thing that keeps her here is a heart arrythmea, so she's on telemetry with an amiodarone drip.
They're giving your wife TPN infusion of electrolytes by the looks of it. A hanging bag with white or yellow liquid right? Regarding morphine, ask the doctor if he could give her phenergan for the nausea instead. Morphine causes nausea for a lot of people. Maybe dilaudid if she has pain INSTEAD of morphine. I've become all too familiar with these cocktails in the last 6 months since this is what they've been giving Mom.
I sleep over in her room every other night, taking turns with my sister. Getting tired of hospital lobby food...
Post edited April 14, 2013 by u2jedi
Thanks for the update Elvin. Hang in there and make sure you take care of yourself - this is a marathon, not a sprint. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we're all glad to know your wife is doing better and wish her a speedy recovery ;-)
tinyE: snip
You post too much.

Elvin, I wish you the best of luck. At the moment I'm spending every day by my Mom's bedside as she recovers from neurosurgery, so I understand some of what you're going through. Be strong.
Post edited April 15, 2013 by Asbeau