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Skystrider: As for "controller in mind" controls, as long as I can use my keyboard and mouse, and as long as they are as responsive as always, I really don't give a damn.
Wishbone: What makes you think they'll be as responsive as always? I'm reminded at this point of Gears Of War. I spent all of 20 minutes on it before uninstalling it from my PC forever. Why? Because of the absolutely horrible, handicapped, artificially restrictive "controller in mind" controls.

I tried out Dead Space on my brother's PC, and the mouse control was horrendously shitty. I couldn't believe what I was playing. I have to wonder if the console version was that awful.
Post edited July 22, 2009 by Mentalepsy
Falci: As for the "primary with controllers in mind" thing... I don't think you guys got it: id essentially knows how to make keyboard and mouse work always. They simply can't possibly fuck it up. The controllers on the other side... if they don't focus on them, all hell may break loose.

Yeah they know how to make it work. Like, since Doom 3. They totally did the console port on that one.
JudasIscariot: I stopped reading after regenerating health. Fuck that nonsense.

You'd probably like Lost Planet which is constantly taking away your health. Hahah. :(
Wishbone: What makes you think they'll be as responsive as always? I'm reminded at this point of Gears Of War. I spent all of 20 minutes on it before uninstalling it from my PC forever. Why? Because of the absolutely horrible, handicapped, artificially restrictive "controller in mind" controls.
Mentalepsy: I tried out Dead Space on my brother's PC, and the mouse control was horrendously shitty. I couldn't believe what I was playing. I have to wonder if the console version was that awful.

Don't know what you're talking about, I found it to be some of the best mouse control I've ever used.
Post edited July 22, 2009 by chautemoc
Wishbone: What makes you think they'll be as responsive as always? I'm reminded at this point of Gears Of War. I spent all of 20 minutes on it before uninstalling it from my PC forever. Why? Because of the absolutely horrible, handicapped, artificially restrictive "controller in mind" controls.
Mentalepsy: I tried out Dead Space on my brother's PC, and the mouse control was horrendously shitty. I couldn't believe what I was playing. I have to wonder if the console version was that awful.

Dead Space was the first game I where I got lost while standing in a corner because the godawful camera would get all wonky.
Mentalepsy: I tried out Dead Space on my brother's PC, and the mouse control was horrendously shitty. I couldn't believe what I was playing. I have to wonder if the console version was that awful.
JudasIscariot: Dead Space was the first game I where I got lost while standing in a corner because the godawful camera would get all wonky.
Assassin's Creed
chautemoc: Don't know what you're talking about, I found it to be some of the best mouse control I've ever used.

Some games have this shitty "mouse smoothing" option that makes the mouse tracking artificially accellerate and decellerate, rather than corresponding exactly with the movement of the mouse. I HATE that and always turn it off. Playing Dead Space was like having mouse smoothing dialed up to 11, only it wasn't optional.
The mouse was frustratingly imprecise and floaty, not only when aiming during combat but when just trying to turn myself around, because the mouse kept floating past what I was trying to aim at.
Worse than that, though, was that I actually had mouse lag - there was a perceptible delay between moving the mouse and the game responding to it, maybe a quarter of a second. Combined with the mouse smoothing, it made the game an enormous pain in the ass to play, especially given its emphasis on precision targeting.
After the fact, I ran a search on "dead space controls" to see what was up, and the mass of results indicated that it wasn't just me. I've heard some people say that turning off VSync fixes the problem (others say it doesn't help), but it's too late for me to try that now, and I shouldn't have to do that anyway, because when I play games without VSync, they tend to look like crap.
Post edited July 22, 2009 by Mentalepsy
Health regeneration... Okay, if implemented properly.
Controller in mind... I think I've heard enough.
Skipping this game for sure.
chautemoc: Don't know what you're talking about, I found it to be some of the best mouse control I've ever used.
Mentalepsy: Some games have this shitty "mouse smoothing" option that makes the mouse tracking artificially accellerate and decellerate, rather than corresponding exactly with the movement of the mouse. I HATE that and always turn it off. Playing Dead Space was like having mouse smoothing dialed up to 11, only it wasn't optional.
The mouse was frustratingly imprecise and floaty, not only when aiming during combat but when just trying to turn myself around, because the mouse kept floating past what I was trying to aim at.
Worse than that, though, was that I actually had mouse lag - there was a perceptible delay between moving the mouse and the game responding to it, maybe a quarter of a second. Combined with the mouse smoothing, it made the game an enormous pain in the ass to play, especially given its emphasis on precision targeting.
After the fact, I ran a search on "dead space controls" to see what was up, and the mass of results indicated that it wasn't just me. I've heard some people say that turning off VSync fixes the problem (others say it doesn't help), but it's too late for me to try that now, and I shouldn't have to do that anyway, because when I play games without VSync, they tend to look like crap.

Oh I see. Well I guess it's because I prefer my mouse that way in friend came over recently and used my mouse and found it very sensitive..but it feels best that way to me. :)
I never had lag though.
Post edited July 22, 2009 by chautemoc
chautemoc: Oh I see. Well I guess it's because I prefer my mouse that way in friend came over recently and used my mouse and found it very sensitive..but it feels best that way to me. :)
I never had lag though.

It's not that it was too sensitive - I generally turn my mouse speed up from the default in games, as well - it's that when I moved the mouse, the reticle was slow to respond, and when I stopped moving the mouse, the reticle kept going. :/
I tried raising and lowering the mouse speed, in fact, but both directions only made things worse.
Sorry if I sound aggressive, I'm just remembering how obnoxious it all was :p
Post edited July 22, 2009 by Mentalepsy
i guess i'm fine with them concentrating on the controller, they are a company and do have to follow the money, but only if they make sure the mouse controls work flawlessly also. it doesn't sound like that's the case, though...
it still feels like a little bit of a betrayal.
Post edited July 22, 2009 by captfitz
chautemoc: Oh I see. Well I guess it's because I prefer my mouse that way in friend came over recently and used my mouse and found it very sensitive..but it feels best that way to me. :)
I never had lag though.
Mentalepsy: It's not that it was too sensitive - I generally turn my mouse speed up from the default in games, as well - it's that when I moved the mouse, the reticle was slow to respond, and when I stopped moving the mouse, the reticle kept going. :/
I tried raising and lowering the mouse speed, in fact, but both directions only made things worse.
Sorry if I sound aggressive, I'm just remembering how obnoxious it all was :p

Oh yes, I know what you mean. I liked that though! It was realistic. But I can understand if it drove you crazy. :)
All good.
captfitz: i guess i'm fine with them concentrating on the controller, they are a company and do have to follow the money, but only if they make sure the mouse controls work flawlessly also. it doesn't sound like that's the case, though...
it still feels like a little bit of a betrayal.

In my humble opinion, it feels like an abandonment. I remember reading the Wolfenstein 3d manual and seeing one of their PCs in a picture. Hell they STARTED on the PC and revolutionized a lot of things about PC gaming and now they are slowly, again in my humble opinion, beginning to abandon the platform that gave them the success they now enjoy.
Post edited July 22, 2009 by JudasIscariot
lowyhong: Yeah they know how to make it work. Like, since Doom 3. They totally did the console port on that one.

Actually, the console port was done by Vicarious Visions. Which was a bit different; they streamlined the entire game for 2 player coop (That is on two consoles, no split screen), and cut out the parts where you're outside the facilities. It did play quite nicely though, for a console FPS.
JudasIscariot: In my humble opinion, it feels like an abandonment. I remember reading the Wolfenstein 3d manual and seeing one of their PCs in a picture. Hell they STARTED on the PC and revolutionized a lot of things about PC gaming and now they are slowly, again in my humble opinion, beginning to abandon the platform that gave them the success they now enjoy.

Kinda like Crytek now (though on a smaller state, I guess). Though they state it's because of piracy, I think it's more likely because of pissed off shit for brains that cannot understand why their shitty to average computers cannot play the game on absolutely full graphics.
Post edited July 22, 2009 by sheepdragon
sheepdragon: Actually, the console port was done by Vicarious Visions.

You totally lost my sarcasm :(
sheepdragon: Actually, the console port was done by Vicarious Visions.
lowyhong: You totally lost my sarcasm :(

Apparently I did... Quite obvious actually when I think about it.