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Elmofongo: What do you mean by private servers are "A total bore?" as in they are boring how so?
Well the vast majority of them are basically empty. Back when I was still playing, there were only a couple that ever had more than about a hundred people on them at any given time. If you're fine with playing the game *literally* solo, then go for it. But the social aspect is one of the main reason folks play MMOs, so there's not much reason to play on a server that's devoid of players if you're looking to interact with people. If you have a group of RL friends though, it can be great because you never have to worry about griefing or farmers, and you've always got an instance group ready.
Elmofongo: What do you mean by private servers are "A total bore?" as in they are boring how so?
bevinator: Well the vast majority of them are basically empty. Back when I was still playing, there were only a couple that ever had more than about a hundred people on them at any given time. If you're fine with playing the game *literally* solo, then go for it. But the social aspect is one of the main reason folks play MMOs, so there's not much reason to play on a server that's devoid of players if you're looking to interact with people. If you have a group of RL friends though, it can be great because you never have to worry about griefing or farmers, and you've always got an instance group ready.
Well if I can play Morrowind alone and people would rather play Diablo solo then dammit I will conquer the World of Warcraft by myself. Starting with a Human Warrior then a Human Paladin then A Human Death Knight
Post edited May 17, 2012 by Elmofongo
bevinator: Well the vast majority of them are basically empty. Back when I was still playing, there were only a couple that ever had more than about a hundred people on them at any given time. If you're fine with playing the game *literally* solo, then go for it. But the social aspect is one of the main reason folks play MMOs, so there's not much reason to play on a server that's devoid of players if you're looking to interact with people. If you have a group of RL friends though, it can be great because you never have to worry about griefing or farmers, and you've always got an instance group ready.
Elmofongo: Well if I can play Morrowind alone and people would rather play Diablo solo then dammit I will conquer the World of Warcraft by myself. Starting with a Human Warrior then a Human Paladin then A Human Death Knight
You'll miss out on the end of just about every major quest chain past level 40 or so, as they're almost all group quests. I guess you can come back when you're 20 levels over and solo most of them, past level 60 some bosses will have screw mechanics, though, you won't be able to solo them.
Goatbrush: The side effect of this, the escalation in progress for the masses, the failing upwards model which had been introduced, was extreme levels of unjustified arrogance. I guess there are other elements to it, such as cross realm grouping increasing the aspect of anonymity, but the community had turned completely septic (not to say it was ever stellar, but still.)
That sounds positively un-fun.
Post edited May 17, 2012 by orcishgamer
What do you mean by screw mechanics orchishgamer?
orcishgamer: You'll miss out on the end of just about every major quest chain past level 40 or so, as they're almost all group quests.
Not anymore, no. Cataclysm removed pretty much every single group quest there ever was.
Post edited May 17, 2012 by thebum06
Elmofongo: What do you mean by screw mechanics orchishgamer?
There's bosses that will single out a group member to which to do something nasty, and usually unresistable. If it's just a damage ability, massive HP will usually get your through, but sometimes you'll end up stunned, or you need someone to do X while you do Y, that kind of thing.
orcishgamer: You'll miss out on the end of just about every major quest chain past level 40 or so, as they're almost all group quests.
thebum06: Not anymore, no. Cataclysm removed pretty much every single group quest there ever was.
I'm not sure if that's good or bad, along with what everyone else said I'm guessing kind of bad, but maybe not...
Post edited May 17, 2012 by orcishgamer
Elmofongo: What do you mean by screw mechanics orchishgamer?
orcishgamer: There's bosses that will single out a group member to which to do something nasty, and usually unresistable. If it's just a damage ability, massive HP will usually get your through, but sometimes you'll end up stunned, or you need someone to do X while you do Y, that kind of thing.
Most of the truly nasty ones aren't applied if you're the only person (alive) in the party. The only non-raid boss I couldn't solo on my deathknight was Drakkisath in UBRS, because after one of the vanilla patches they added an ability to him that's a stun that also burns X% of your life every second, and stuns you, and can't be resisted and never misses. I could even solo some of the low-level BC heroics, a couple of the low-level LK non-heroics, plus Zul'gurub, AQ20, and Onyxia (the old one). But not that guy, he was the only one. But I'm not even sure if he exists anymore after Cataclysm.
Well I'm pretty comfertable at playing WOW alone
orcishgamer: There's bosses that will single out a group member to which to do something nasty, and usually unresistable. If it's just a damage ability, massive HP will usually get your through, but sometimes you'll end up stunned, or you need someone to do X while you do Y, that kind of thing.
bevinator: Most of the truly nasty ones aren't applied if you're the only person (alive) in the party. The only non-raid boss I couldn't solo on my deathknight was Drakkisath in UBRS, because after one of the vanilla patches they added an ability to him that's a stun that also burns X% of your life every second, and stuns you, and can't be resisted and never misses. I could even solo some of the low-level BC heroics, a couple of the low-level LK non-heroics, plus Zul'gurub, AQ20, and Onyxia (the old one). But not that guy, he was the only one. But I'm not even sure if he exists anymore after Cataclysm.
The AQ20 boss can't hit for 20k HP still?
I have no issues with someone going back to this game. I only played it for a short while just after Lich King. It didn't really appeal to me. The entire mechanic felt a bit archaic to me. Sure the game looked pretty good and whatnot. but I just couldn't be bothered with the grind and the riskless death (beyond time wasted on the corpse crawl). Admittedly, I didn't get too far into it.

I enjoy Eve's sandbox experience. Sure, there's not a lot in the way of PVE once you start burning through level 4 missions, but it's a sharp community and the PVP gets the blood racing. Even market PVP which is a hell of a lot of fun if you know what you're doing.

Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread, but I think WoW is nearing its end from what I hear.
wizall: Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread, but I think WoW is nearing its end from what I hear.
the phrase "Nearing it's end" can have many different meanings

What exactly did you mean when you said it?
wizall: Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread, but I think WoW is nearing its end from what I hear.
Roman5: the phrase "Nearing it's end" can have many different meanings

What exactly did you mean when you said it?
I guess I just mean WoW is tapering off. That's probably a very obvious statement. But if they want to be the next big MMO on the block they'll have to evolve the mechanic significantly. The hardcore will keep it going for ages, like EQ, but the casual gamer has moved on to other things (I believe). This is all anecdotal, but it seems pretty consistent through the forums I read and the people I've spoken to.

I look forward to Bliz's next MMO model, though. I'm sure it'll be a good one.
high rated
WotLK was the end for me.
Daynov: WotLK was the end for me.
I think WOTLK was the end for every hardcore WOW player
orcishgamer: I'm not sure if that's good or bad, along with what everyone else said I'm guessing kind of bad, but maybe not...
It depends on what kind of person you are. If you like to play alone it's great, but if you want to play with others it's not. The whole game can be played alone now, even raiding max-level content (well, technically you're not solo but you just sign up for an automatic queue system and get thrown into a group with people who won't even say a single word the whole run, so might as well be NPCs).