I'm torn as to whether or not I'll get Pandaria. It just seems so juvenile from everything I've seen so far. I mean I was reading the boss abilities for one of the new dungeons, and one of the bosses is a giant rabbit with abilities such as 'carrot breath'. Maybe it's a placeholder, I really hope so, but there are a lot of design choices which make me cringe a little.
orcishgamer: After downing Sunwell and I saw how fucked the 3.0 patch drop was I just quit logging in and decided not to buy Wrath
Can understand that, I still play intermittently but that was the start of the decline of the old game and the rise of the new model. I raided fairly hardcore up to that point too, except a break around the same time as you did - but the game changed so much. You chose a good time to quit I think.
Most of my guild pretty much quit around the end of TBC/start of WotLK. For me, I think I burnt out on Sunwell, as tightly tuned as it was the time we spent headbutting the brick wall of pain that was pre-nerf M'uru was just flat out unpleasant.
When I returned, I found a completely different game. Most of the friends which had quit, hadn't come back or had rerolled. Some of the former top raiding guilds were still there, but right alongside them in progression (albeit earned later) were the types of guilds which when I left hadn't even killed Vashj/Kael before the massive pre-wotlk nerfs.
The side effect of this, the escalation in progress for the masses, the failing upwards model which had been introduced, was extreme levels of unjustified arrogance. I guess there are other elements to it, such as cross realm grouping increasing the aspect of anonymity, but the community had turned completely septic (not to say it was ever stellar, but still.)
I play occasionally now on a low pop RP server. I don't RP myself but I find the average player to be more mature, and with a different goalset which fits my current playstyle just fine.