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kazmar: So I came back to my desk and my bag was gone. Luckily the only thing I had of value in it was my kindle with I have now bricked (it also has a password on it, but you can never be to sure.) I'm mainly pissed as the office I work in requires card access, so he must of slipped in after someone.

There is a small sliver lining, as some one kept stealing food from my desk, I have a motion activated camera on my desk, which caught a picture of the guy stealing it. I have given it to security at the university I work at and tomorrow I'm going to give it to the police.

So given the list of things I could have had stolen I got of very lightly, (I think he stole a phone from someone else), and I just have to wait until Friday for my new kindle.

But there you have it, have a muffin stolen, "catch a thief", I'll update as this short tale goes on,
If you don't mind my asking, where do you work that people steal stuff from your desk?
JudasIscariot: If you don't mind my asking, where do you work that people steal stuff from your desk?
London, I would guess, though the cancer seems to be spreading. We have had thefts by unknown (suspect cleaners, but no proof) characters. Unfortunate fact of life in the UK now is that in an office if you don't nail it down it's liable to be nicked. There are just too many other people with access to the building.
You have my sympathy.

The trouble you have to report that theft probably isn't really worth it.
Anyway, if you like bad karma or don't believe in such trifles you simply could show everyone the picture, waiting for it to go viral and then watch the mob lynch that sorry bastard, better still film the whole dirty lynching buisness and post it on youtube...

That would be worth your time, probably...
I thought you meant robbed literally (as in at knifepoint or summat). So by your useage of the word I'm guessing yer from merseyside, the wirral or manc?
I really hope you get your things back, or at the very least the person is caught.

Sadly I have to agree with wpegg, things go "missing" in our office.
Sachys: I thought you meant robbed literally (as in at knifepoint or summat). So by your useage of the word I'm guessing yer from merseyside, the wirral or manc?
Westcountry, I was going to say half-inched or nabbed, but thought that would confuse...
JudasIscariot: If you don't mind my asking, where do you work that people steal stuff from your desk?
wpegg: London, I would guess, though the cancer seems to be spreading. We have had thefts by unknown (suspect cleaners, but no proof) characters. Unfortunate fact of life in the UK now is that in an office if you don't nail it down it's liable to be nicked. There are just too many other people with access to the building.
Yeap London (in a post grad office), the most annoying thing is when food is nicked you only realise when you go to eat said food, I( was more pissed when my muffin was stolen as I was looking forward to it all through a meeting).

It's the whole thing of not respecting other people's space, I am not competely innocent in this, but my crimes are limited to leaving baked goods on people's desks and reclaiming books I have lent (same guy same 3 books 4 times).
Post edited February 06, 2013 by kazmar
Heheh! Oh well - at least there is a little humour to be had in the shituation!

Bad news on the whole though - but I do advise leaving nothing to the elements in such cases. Your employer is legally obliged to provide a safe place for you to put your belongings (and insure them if you can prove they are missing - like through cctv - from said point). Worth doing as i once found out!
kazmar: So given the list of things I could have had stolen I got of very lightly, (I think he stole a phone from someone else), and I just have to wait until Friday for my new kindle.
Lucky bastard. Two weeks ago someone broke into my apartment and stole my laptop which contained lots of important stuff I hadn't made backups of - which I was going to do a few days later, I had already ordered an external drive just for that reason.
JudasIscariot: If you don't mind my asking, where do you work that people steal stuff from your desk?
You live in Poland and ask that kind of question? :p
Post edited February 06, 2013 by F4LL0UT
Though it's a bummer, I do salute your Batmanesque gadgetry and cleverness in fighting crime!
Post edited February 06, 2013 by Tychoxi
Sorry to hear the bad fortune. I really despise inconsiderate people who steal from others. It makes my blood boil, especially when it happens in the workplace where you know the culprit a) has a job, b) probably makes as much or more than you do, and c) has so little respect for his/her co-workers which often are like a family away from home. I hope they catch the thief even if they aren't able to recover all the missing items.

Funny how they never take the things we don't mind an ex-wife for example :(
kazmar: So given the list of things I could have had stolen I got of very lightly, (I think he stole a phone from someone else), and I just have to wait until Friday for my new kindle.
F4LL0UT: Lucky bastard. Two weeks ago someone broke into my apartment and stole my laptop which contained lots of important stuff I hadn't made backups of - which I was going to do a few days later, I had already ordered an external drive just for that reason.
JudasIscariot: If you don't mind my asking, where do you work that people steal stuff from your desk?
F4LL0UT: You live in Poland and ask that kind of question? :p
I leave about 4K PLN of personal computer gear at the office overnight and sometimes over the weekend. Nothing's ever been stolen.

Heck, we have a cardboard box "bank" of about 150PLN worth of CASH that sits on the desk next to me (for people to borrow from for funds for the vending machine and whatnot) and, in the two years I've been here, it's only lost 20 PLN unaccounted for.

I'd say that GOG is a pretty good bunch of people. :)
TheEnigmaticT: Heck, we have a cardboard box "bank" of about 150PLN worth of CASH that sits on the desk next to me (for people to borrow from for funds for the vending machine and whatnot) and, in the two years I've been here, it's only lost 20 PLN unaccounted for.

I'd say that GOG is a pretty good bunch of people. :)
American brain goes "Why the heck would you need $150 for vending machines.." *googles* Oh, wait.. that's like $50.. OK, that makes more sense. >.>

For the OP:
Next time leave a bag with a dead laptop, and a very live venomous snake in it on your desk.. That's the way to deal with thieves.. Well, at least if you can't have a motion-sensing, face-scanning laser turret mounted on your desk that will zap anyone who gets too close and isn't registered in it's database.
TheEnigmaticT: Heck, we have a cardboard box "bank" of about 150PLN worth of CASH that sits on the desk next to me (for people to borrow from for funds for the vending machine and whatnot) and, in the two years I've been here, it's only lost 20 PLN unaccounted for.

I'd say that GOG is a pretty good bunch of people. :)
Zolgar: American brain goes "Why the heck would you need $150 for vending machines.." *googles* Oh, wait.. that's like $50.. OK, that makes more sense. >.>

For the OP:
Next time leave a bag with a dead laptop, and a very live venomous snake in it on your desk.. That's the way to deal with thieves.. Well, at least if you can't have a motion-sensing, face-scanning laser turret mounted on your desk that will zap anyone who gets too close and isn't registered in it's database.
I'd suggest not...
Zolgar: American brain goes "Why the heck would you need $150 for vending machines.." *googles* Oh, wait.. that's like $50.. OK, that makes more sense. >.>

For the OP:
Next time leave a bag with a dead laptop, and a very live venomous snake in it on your desk.. That's the way to deal with thieves.. Well, at least if you can't have a motion-sensing, face-scanning laser turret mounted on your desk that will zap anyone who gets too close and isn't registered in it's database.
TheEnigmaticT: I'd suggest not...
That wouldn't fall under Attractive Nuisance.. More under booby trapping.. which I know is also against the law in the US.
It's fun to joke about such things though :p
My friend told me once that at his office, some dude walked into (it was rather small office), took the file shredder and left.

They didn't even realise what happened for a few seconds (it's not like anyone would risk their health for a paper shredder anyway), but yeah... it happens.

And you can't even shoot them ;-(