Cambrey: No, Jesskitten said she's part Chinese and part cat.
jesskitten: This mortal gets it! :)
ChaunceyK: I thought people were Asian, and objects were Oriental? Can you clarify please?
jesskitten: I may be wrong, but I think Oriental is more a subset of eastern Asia, you have the Indian subcontinent to the west, and bits of Russia to the north, and the Middle East to the northwest (?!) that are all also part of Asia, but not quite Oriental. Maaaay be wrong, though, but that's the way I think of it.
I haven't actually run across much racism over here in Canada. More sexism than racism for sure, though that seems natural everywhere, but even the handful of times I've ran into racism I think they've mostly come bundled with sexism anyway, so no idea which sentiment started it or is stronger. :P Heard bad stories down under though, despite the fact it's much closer to southeast asia and lots of vacationers etc go over there.
I think you're right about the geography. Indians refer to their part of the world as South Asia. That term includes Pakistan, Nepal, and a few others.
Racism/sexism never make sense, but especially not in certain places. I was in BC a few times visiting a gf and it seemed like half the population were Asian (yes, my gf was too, and she was wonderful). If anyone has a problem with Asians, they better not live around there. By the way, is the term "banana" offensive? Does it mean an ethnic Asian born in the west or one who is culturally westernized?