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michaelleung: Nah, I would expect it to either be following the game or just be a horrible film adaptation for the people who don't play video games.

This is pretty much impossible (at least in live action) since the game's set a few years after the second movie, which came out twenty years ago. And time has not been kind.
(to the actors, I mean)
Post edited June 14, 2009 by frostcircus
michaelleung: Nah, I would expect it to either be following the game or just be a horrible film adaptation for the people who don't play video games.
frostcircus: This is pretty much impossible (at least in live action) since the game's set a few years after the second movie, which came out twenty years ago. And time has not been kind.
(to the actors, I mean)

From what I heard, the main cast will be in this new movie, but just for a few moment, the time to form a *new team*... oh boy...
acare84: Game's price is $30 and PC version has no MP or CoOp options like console versions and it has DRM.

What? Now I really wish I had bought a PS3.
Since they're timing the PS3 release to coincide with the release of the movie on Blu-ray, I wonder if they'll include the movie on the same disc, Stranglehold style? I would love for that to become the norm for movie games. Unfortunately, those movies are usually being released into theaters when that happens.
I don't care about the multiplayer, but I'm not going to buy it without knowing a) what kind of DRM is on it, b) how well it will run on my computer, and c) whether the mouse controls for grappling the ghosts are as badly mangled as the interrogation controls in the Punisher game.
I won't be surprised if they decline to produce a PC demo.
Post edited June 14, 2009 by Mentalepsy
Mentalepsy: I don't care about the multiplayer, but I'm not going to buy it without knowing a) what kind of DRM is on it

According to [url=]the readme file[/url] it uses everybody's favourite, SecuROM. Unfortunately I can't find much info about activation limits and so forth.
Atari's previous PC release, The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, used Tages rather than SecuROM, and it had activations that could not be reclaimed with a tool or when uninstalling; after you use them up you have to phone tech support and beg for more.
Mentalepsy: I don't care about the multiplayer, but I'm not going to buy it without knowing a) what kind of DRM is on it
Arkose: According to [url=]the readme file[/url] it uses everybody's favourite, SecuROM. Unfortunately I can't find much info about activation limits and so forth.
Atari's previous PC release, The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, used Tages rather than SecuROM, and it had activations that could not be reclaimed with a tool or when uninstalling; after you use them up you have to phone tech support and beg for more.

Thanks. The game comes out in North America tomorrow, so I suspect we'll know by tomorrow night how many activations we get :\
PC version has 5 Securom activation and revoke tool thankfully.
But real great news is game may be come to Steam. I hope that will happen and I hope game will be released worldwide.
seriously, I'm not down for no multiplayer on the PC version, I'm just going to get the xbox 360 version. I hate people who are all exclusive, it's bad for the consumer, it's bad for the developer/publisher, the only people it benefits is the console
I dont care multiplayer in this game and game's price is good because of this. So I will get it if it will come to Steam with only Steam DRM. But I am curios about this, do anyone knows is there Co-oP on one PC like Shadowgrounds or Lego Star Wars? One plays with keyboard and mouse and one play with gamepad?
acare84: PC version has 5 Securom activation and revoke tool thankfully.

Thankfully? The fact that it's using SecuROM for activations means a no buy from me. That sucks too, because I was looking forward to this game.
Oh well, it can be tossed on the pile with Mass Effect and others I guess. :|
acare84: PC version has 5 Securom activation and revoke tool thankfully.
deoren: Thankfully? The fact that it's using SecuROM for activations means a no buy from me. That sucks too, because I was looking forward to this game.
Oh well, it can be tossed on the pile with Mass Effect and others I guess. :|

Hey, that is better than Riddick. I don't care about revokable DRM's also it is good for me that I can play the game without the DVD.
If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood, who ya gonna call?
I need to watch the movie again... And I guess this is another reason to buy a console :D
deoren: yup, i feel the same way. i really dislike having to fish for dvd's, however short a time it might take, when all of my other games can be run with a double click.

well, that got messed up didnt it. lol
anyway my reply is in that mess and was in agreement with acare84.
Post edited June 20, 2009 by custardcream
Bought it, loved it.