Fenixp: So, do we get born with morality or do we obtain it? I'd say the latter. It's just a glorified value ladder, and every creature with sufficient social interactions has one.
Humanity vastly underrates animals.
lukaszthegreat: If we were born with it then it would make us just animals.
it is obtained. Obtained by watching history, analyzing mistakes, predicting how future develops, analyzing other feelings and placing yourself in others shoes.
No animal, whether dolphin, dog, chimp or raven do that. their decisions come from basic laws of nature.
They might reach our current level as we did once. Nevertheless it does not make argument about us being "just animals" correct one as it excuses anything bad we had ever done as well as anything good we did.
I don't agree that there is a principal difference here. We are much more advanced than any other animal in our morals and culture but for us as with them it is a mix between genetic rules and how the environment influences the individual.