Krypsyn: It was much more than one blurry video. He sent out several tapes over the years, not just the one taking credit for September 11, instigating violence towards Israel and the U.S. (heck, against pretty much all Christians and Jews, really). This tapes were vetted not by Western media outlets, but by the outlet they were delivered to in Qatar (Al Jazeera maybe, I really can't remember). Neither he nor ANY of his family ever tried to even attempt to dissuade anyone that he was the mastermind behind the World Trade Center attack OR that he was the person on any of the subsequent attacks. No, sorry, he was guilty, he admitted as much several times over.
We obviously didn't listen to the same tapes, I remember clearly Ben Laden rejoicing about 9/11, yes, but never I heard him saying "I'm the one who planned everything". And if I'm wrong, if he said he was guilty, why the FBI own page about him never credited him with that ?
The only thing a trial would do is cost the American taxpayer money and possibly drag the U.S.'s name through the mud. These are two things that I have been getting a bit tired of lately (even if we do deserve the latter for some of our past actions, it gets old). So... yeah... I am firmly in the 'face-shoot the fucker' camp.
Excuse me? You're really saying that organizing a trial for Ben Laden would have costed money to the taxpayer? And the Iraq war? The Afghan war? The operations in Lybia? Not the taxpayer money? Wow. Just. Wow.
Drag the US name through the mud? Well, when one makes mistakes, that's generally what happens, heh. Don't worry, my country has its own lot of skeletons in the closet (especially in our former colonies), so I feel perfectly entitled to speak.
What you propose is basically "Let's rejoice, party over Ben Laden's dead corpse and forget everything else". I do not find that appropriate.