A good attempt, however, not only was the first posted after the Valve article (and I did state I wanted to see one prior to that), it's also not about a problem. It's about the possible availability of an as yet unreleased game.
Similarly, the second too, was at the time of publishing, about an upcoming game and not an existing problem that was affecting customers at that time.
I guess I should have been clearer with my original request. What I am looking for is:
An article about a current problem affecting customers at the time of the article's posting (so must affect a product already on the market at time of writing), that is not a follow on article from a pre-existing issue. That article must be posted prior to the Valve article (before Feb. 1, 2012) and must clearly indicate that the writer of the article attempted to contact the company involved prior to the article being published.
(As an added extra, said article should not contain negative wording which is the sole result of the authors bias towards the company involved.)
But that said, it's nice to see that RPS did at least try to confirm a release date before posting an article about a release date. Kotaku wouldn't have bothered. They'd have just slapped a "rumor" tag on it...