jamyskis: I always find it quite funny the way the UK comes to a grinding halt when snow falls. In Germany, everything just runs as normal, but because the Brits don't have any kind of snow/ice tyre regulations, everything just stops here. Offices close, schools close, people can't get up hills with their cars.
This is 100% true
I was in the UK once when it snowed, people were literally losing their minds.
Fucking EVERYTHING was closed, nothing worked, nothing, buses did not run, trains did not run, flights were delayed, speeds on the roads were like 30 KM/H
My friend who lives in the UK, said he enjoyed watching people who owned 4x4 cars act like hotshots on the road and then crash anyway like bafoons
I often joke about this still today, the United Kingdom, one of the most important countries in the world, the country that defeated countless armies, the country that survived many things. The country was brought to it's knees, not by the economy, an army, or something else....it was brought to it's knees...by...snow.