KyleKatarn: No problem. That reminds me that I wish I would change my username.
Anyway, you're not likely to have that enclosure torn off unless there's a problem that they need to fix to restore power. I was just pointing out that they likely could if they wanted to (without knowing all the specifics.) I'm not pointing any fingers or anything, but even electric companies know it's a bad policy to go around calling as many people as they can thieves, even though they often are actually getting a scarce resource stolen.
orcishgamer: Do people actually rewire their houses before the meter to steal power? That sounds suicidal.
I've never seen it, but it can be done. I've seen pictures anyway. This would still be 120/240 voltage so not quite as dangerous. Swapping meters or taking a meter out and tampering with it to try to slow down the dial is more common. I know swapping meters sometimes happened where I worked at.
Some of the old timers told stories about some customers that would try different things. There were a few stories similar to the one I'm going to tell about some who wouldn't pay their bills. The lineman would first disconnect the meter and put in a standoff insulator that would plug into the socket. The customer would remove the insulator and plug the meter back in themselves. If you don't do that right, you risk getting a high amperage flash in your face. So they would disconnect the meter again and this time padlock it. Cut the padlocks and plug it back in. Alright fine, we'll just unhook the transformer from the 7,200 volt distribution line. The customer got a tractor with a bucket loader and a broomstick to put the hot-line clamp on just enough to get the transformer back online. It must have been insulated just enough. This happened a couple times (while warning the customer about high-voltage) and the next time the customer tried it, boom electrocuted and fell out of the bucket. Dead. True story.
Edit: I think the power company took the position that if you don't talk about it, it's less likely to happen. Kind of like saying "Thou shall not..." actually gives people the idea to do it. Maybe I should delete my post but I don't work at one anymore.