Roberttitus: Maybe its because he is intelligent enough to see the intense fanboyism going on in the forums of a website owned by the people who made The Witcher series.
Seriously... half of the reason people are telling him not to buy the game doesn't even have to do with the game itself... it has to do with a stupid lawsuit. Then the other half is basically saying "wait for GOTY"... which yes is inevitable.... but that doesn't mean that you SHOULD have to wait for it. If everybody waited like they urge others to do almost constantly, then it goes without saying that there is probably not going to be a GOTY edition.
Fact is that Skyrim VANILLA has more content & things to do than PATCHED Witcher II for almost the same money.
The site isn't 'owned' by the people who made The Witcher series. Both GOG and CDPR studio are assets of the same company, CDP, which is not exactly the same thing.
One person put forward Beth's lawsuit as a reason to pick TW2 and then others chimed in on the lawsuit business without giving any opinon on which game to pick. I can't speak for the others, but i commented on the lawsuit business because i don't appreciate users that only come around here every once in a while almost exclusively to advance a 'my platform of choice' agenda acting like they can speak for the rest of the world on subject X or Y and actively triyng to summarily dismiss issues that don't fit with their politics. Fred's comment on the two games, however, was pretty much spot on, they are very different beasts.
While one can give a recommendation on which game to get (or wich game to get first), the games are different games meant to provide different experiences. In my case i would pick The Witcher 2 over Skyrim any day and twice on Sunday. Why ? Mainly because even though I appreciate an open ended game world as much as the next fellow what i always look for in an RPG (actually, almost any genre) above everything else is a solid story, plentiful lore and deep characterization and The Witcher 2 has all of those, while Skyrim probably has newly introduced lore, but story and characterization wise is likely to be as 'shallow' as the other TES games - which is not a criticism but merely stating the obvious, the TES games were never about those aspects, their strenght lies elsewhere. On the same grounds i would recommend a whole miriade of other games, which are in no way, shape or form related to gog or cdpr, over Skyrim.
Fact is, Robert, that there are many objective reasons as to why one would pick one game over the other and none of them have anything to do with the 'fanboysm' you always seem so keen to assign to the community here to try to discredit the views/opinions that don't match your own or as some silly form of pay back for whatever.
You are free to decide your purchases, and make recommendations of your own, based on nothing but (or mostly on) a dollars_to_hours ratio just like others are free not to give a shit about that ratio and consider instead if whether or not their coin will be buying them what they deem to be a worthwhile experience. I know i don't give a shit about that ratio, unless off course the ratio is so bad that inspite of everything else it becomes a blatant rip off .
Maybe what made the decision for the OP was the hype we are all subjected to (and succumb to on ocasion) combined with the antecipation of a 'fresh experience' that a newly released game (in principle) provides. After all, it's a bit different to play a game on release when lots of other folks, including your friends, are playing it and talking about it and when there's still lots of discoveries to be made and playing it 3 months later when every single discovery is already documented, every single aspect of the game was already talked about ad nauseum on the tubes and a large number of folks have finished and shelfed the game and moved on to something else. In all honestly, to me, the OP came across as someone who had already fallen prey to the glitter of a newly released shinie and all it entails right off the bat - and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, we've all Ben there - , it's just that he/she hadn't realised it yet ;)