Ivory&Gold: I wager it's too complex and involved for my tastes. The kind of thing that is super cool for the first couple of hours, but soon starts to get repetitive and annoying and in the way of just doing quests. Realistic Needs and Diseases I like because it's so lightweight - it gives a bit of structure to the adventuring day and makes expeditions require some preparation, but it never gets in the way of just doing whatever I'd like to at any given moment. There's another hypothermia mod out there that is much more basic and appealed to me more, but I think it's discontinued by now.
Anyway, I might try out Frostfall's casual mode should I begin a new playthrough. Can always uninstall it when it starts to get annoying.
You are so incredibly wrong! The sun imploded under the weigth of you being wrong!
Eh, anyway - the most bothersome part of the mod is the fact that you have to make fire every now and again to stay warm, and that's in the coolest areas of Skyrim (Windhelm - Winterhold - Dawnstar - Morthal + area between Solitude and the coast). That's it. Most of the time, you will get warm just by staying a bit in inns or just exposed fires around the world in the cooler regions and you don't need to care about cold at all in temperate ones (Whiterun, Falkreath, Riften - you won't even notice frostfall most of the time unless you travel into the mountains). And ... Yeah, that's it, really. You have to take heed not to freeze in a tent that you erect, possibly by erecting it next to a fire - and it's imperative that you get warmer after getting wet in freezing environment. Casual version removes the need to change your equipment for weather and you can freely fast-travel.