Posted February 10, 2013

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Germany
Posted February 10, 2013
One important property of KS is that the pledged money is not just a charity gift. The project owner is legally bound to deliver the promised product (whatever it is) or pay back the money. I feel that this is a very important difference enhancing the confidence that backers can have greatly.
However the matter is not so clear. The time frame is only loosely known - the estimated dates of delivery are almost never realistic. Also it is unknown how much own money the project creator has available. If you would know how much own capital there is, a high amount of it could inspire additional confidence in backers.
In economic terms I think profitability is regarded universally as the most important criteria with charity being the most notable exception. Now how you reach that goal... by traditional investors or KS ... is not really important. You just choose what works best. I think too that the world needs KS but I am not sure how much KS it needs.
However the matter is not so clear. The time frame is only loosely known - the estimated dates of delivery are almost never realistic. Also it is unknown how much own money the project creator has available. If you would know how much own capital there is, a high amount of it could inspire additional confidence in backers.
In economic terms I think profitability is regarded universally as the most important criteria with charity being the most notable exception. Now how you reach that goal... by traditional investors or KS ... is not really important. You just choose what works best. I think too that the world needs KS but I am not sure how much KS it needs.
Post edited February 10, 2013 by Trilarion

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic
Posted February 10, 2013

That is why I do believe that small / unexperienced devs should only ask for very small ammounts of money and only when they actually have something to show, and people should give out bigger ammounts based on reputation. If the said person / studio doesn't have money before the KS, they sure as heck won't have them in case it fails, and since they need to give the money back, they're suddenly in a fairly ... life-ruining situation.

feminist gamer
Registered: Jul 2011
From Australia
Posted February 10, 2013

Always a noob
Registered: Oct 2008
From Clipperton Island
Posted February 10, 2013
I've seen many projects delayed, and the responses are invariably "take your time, we just want the product". When it looks like the project might need more money, a lot of people ask "where can we donate more?"
Most people who pledge on Kickstarter invest emotionally in the project, and often in its creator. They want that project to succeed and they want that person or company to succeed. They want to be part of the process and see the end result. As long as they don't feel cheated by the creator they will continue to support the project.
I think that one of the major indications that Kickstarter isn't a pre-order platform is that most of the money projects get comes from people who pledge a lot more than the game (or other project result) will cost.
Most people who pledge on Kickstarter invest emotionally in the project, and often in its creator. They want that project to succeed and they want that person or company to succeed. They want to be part of the process and see the end result. As long as they don't feel cheated by the creator they will continue to support the project.
I think that one of the major indications that Kickstarter isn't a pre-order platform is that most of the money projects get comes from people who pledge a lot more than the game (or other project result) will cost.

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Germany
Posted February 10, 2013

I actually do believe that the 'pay back the money' bit is just a bad, bad idea. Every new project is a risk, that's just a fact, and when someone is donating to a KS projecz, he should not, under any circumstances, expect to get his money back. The fact that the dev has to either deliver or give back the money puts him in a really bad situation where if the project fails for whatever reason, he is screwed as he has invested the money already.
That is why I do believe that small / unexperienced devs should only ask for very small ammounts of money and only when they actually have something to show, and people should give out bigger ammounts based on reputation. If the said person / studio doesn't have money before the KS, they sure as heck won't have them in case it fails, and since they need to give the money back, they're suddenly in a fairly ... life-ruining situation.
One idea could be: Project owner guarantees that in case of failure all remaining money is paid back to the backers and all assets (code, artwork) are either sold before or transferred to the backers or upon their wish made open source (so somebody else might finish). On the other side to also let backers participate in the success, if the game is finished and sells more than X units they get a percentage of their pledge back. I would like this model very much.

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Germany
Posted February 10, 2013

Exceptions are projects like the 3D printer where the technology is existent and prototypes exist and all you need is to aggregate demand and scale the thing up. If presented properly, people should be able to judge them.
Post edited February 10, 2013 by Trilarion

Mad and Green
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted February 10, 2013

Most people who pledge on Kickstarter invest emotionally in the project, and often in its creator. They want that project to succeed and they want that person or company to succeed. They want to be part of the process and see the end result. As long as they don't feel cheated by the creator they will continue to support the project.
I think that one of the major indications that Kickstarter isn't a pre-order platform is that most of the money projects get comes from people who pledge a lot more than the game (or other project result) will cost.

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted February 10, 2013

Exceptions are projects like the 3D printer where the technology is existent and prototypes exist and all you need is to aggregate demand and scale the thing up. If presented properly, people should be able to judge them.
Doesn't the average person at least check to see if something is worth donating to?. And your right, i could easily see people also see the rewards as what they want rather than having a careful think about it first (i tend to overthink...but thats me LOL). I suppose it does go back to the devs to make sure they have outlined clearly what they offer, how they plan and organize, communicate and how or when final product is shipped/delivered.
Donator beware?
Maybe KS needs to bold a small section that needs to be read before people donate into any projects..something more obvious than it is now
Post edited February 10, 2013 by nijuu

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Germany
Posted February 11, 2013
At least with video games it seems that backers strongly react on buzz phrases, like "new", "innovative", "next level", "fun", or "rpg with strategy and action elements" ... Also I doubt that project creators want to give more specific information, since there is no difference between backers and the public at this stage. I can show you many examples of highly backed KS video game projects (particularly games without demos in early stages) where you know almost nothing about what will make this game unique.
I think people use mostly gut feeling because with limited facts you cannot really check.
I think people use mostly gut feeling because with limited facts you cannot really check.
Post edited February 11, 2013 by Trilarion

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Germany
Posted February 11, 2013
To have an actual example about how well funded the decision of the backers is: "Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey" a new KS video game project that collected 600k US-$ by 10000 people within three days.
The video on the project page is a trailer with phrases like "location both familiar and new", "real dialogs and emotions", "fun puzzles", "freedom of exploration", "the game you are waiting for", "passionate about adventure games".
Passionate is my favorite. I like it a lot as a word because it sounds like what it is. Unfortunately it's used so often.
And from the text: "deep and complex storyline", "explore a rich, detailed, interactive and living world" (a living world?), "engaging puzzle gameplay designed for fans of adventure games"
These phrases are just advertisment speak, nothing more. You surely cannot estimate the outcome realistically. It's impossible. But still people throw money at it. They go for the name.
I would say this project is almost exclusively like a pre-order and here it would be fully justified to demand your money back in case they fail to deliver.
The video on the project page is a trailer with phrases like "location both familiar and new", "real dialogs and emotions", "fun puzzles", "freedom of exploration", "the game you are waiting for", "passionate about adventure games".
Passionate is my favorite. I like it a lot as a word because it sounds like what it is. Unfortunately it's used so often.
And from the text: "deep and complex storyline", "explore a rich, detailed, interactive and living world" (a living world?), "engaging puzzle gameplay designed for fans of adventure games"
These phrases are just advertisment speak, nothing more. You surely cannot estimate the outcome realistically. It's impossible. But still people throw money at it. They go for the name.
I would say this project is almost exclusively like a pre-order and here it would be fully justified to demand your money back in case they fail to deliver.

Optimum rat
Registered: May 2010
From Finland
Posted February 11, 2013
The video on the project page is a trailer with phrases like "location both familiar and new", "real dialogs and emotions", "fun puzzles", "freedom of exploration", "the game you are waiting for", "passionate about adventure games".
Passionate is my favorite. I like it a lot as a word because it sounds like what it is. Unfortunately it's used so often.
And from the text: "deep and complex storyline", "explore a rich, detailed, interactive and living world" (a living world?), "engaging puzzle gameplay designed for fans of adventure games"
These phrases are just advertisment speak, nothing more. You surely cannot estimate the outcome realistically. It's impossible. But still people throw money at it. They go for the name.
I would say this project is almost exclusively like a pre-order and here it would be fully justified to demand your money back in case they fail to deliver.
There are some projects I've funded I doubt will never evolve into much bigger venues. Some of the games I've backed I suspect will be one offs and the real sales numbers won't warrant for the designers to really continue, but at least it will be interesting to see what some of those old players can do with modern tech.

Videogame Addict
Registered: Oct 2009
From Czech Republic
Posted February 11, 2013

Citation from the official website:
US creators must be permanent US residents at least 18 years of age with a social security number (or EIN), a US bank account, US address, US state-issued ID (driver’s license), and major US credit or debit card.
UK creators must be permanent UK residents at least 18 years of age either creating a project in their own name or on behalf of a legal entity with a Companies House Number. You’ll need a UK address, UK bank account, government-issued ID (driver’s license or passport), and a major UK credit or debit card.
Post edited February 11, 2013 by Mivas

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Germany
Posted February 11, 2013
And the desire can only be satisfied with the working product. So in case they fail to deliver it would be reasonable to expect as much money back as possible. This case is really more like a pre-order than a donation. You buy a sequel by throwing money at some well-known people and hope they do something good with it. It's even probably not very innovative or different from other adventures - at least the advertisment speak is the same as everywhere.
Post edited February 11, 2013 by Trilarion

Always a noob
Registered: Oct 2008
From Clipperton Island