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tinyE: Skeletons would never do any of that stuff. They aren't very brave. They don't have any guts. *rimshot*

Seriously, though, that necromancer got some 'spailing to do.
NoNewTaleToTell: Gothic 3 is the only Gothic I've really played (I own the first three and as of a few days ago, Gothic 3's expansion pack), it has some great moments but I wouldn't call it a great game. Mostly. Because. Of. The. Constant. Stuttering. Regardless. Of. Your. System. Specs. Or. Video. Options.

And from now on I'm going to imagine you as a troll from the Gothic universe with the head of an octopus...err...Great Old One I mean.
Grargar: The Great Troll One?
Perfect. Absolutely perfect.
LOL, so the original thread title didn't have much sense even for eng people XD
sheepdragon: Everybody should keep an issue of this lying around for reference.
XD You da man!
NoNewTaleToTell: I dare you to say that in one of the caves full of skeletons in Gothic 3.
tinyE: Cool! Back to gaming talk! That's what this forum is for. Never played 3 but I adore 1 and 2.

BTW speaking of monsters I've recently been called a troll in another thread....twice. XD
You're not a troll. You're a manahore...
Licurg: You're not a troll. You're a manahore...
Are those people selling their bodies for mana or people offering their mana for money?
Post edited February 16, 2014 by F4LL0UT
Any skeleton smart enough to cheat people will sooner or later succumb to existential crisis.
That's all fine and dandy, but it doesn't answer to things that have been bugging me forever:

1. What's with those old Bond movies with their bobsled scenes? More often than not, Bond seemed to end up in some place where there is a bobsled track, and maybe even an ongoing competition ongoing there.

2. What's with the bad guys (or the protagonist, if he is running away from something) always trying to get to the roof when escaping something? If I suddenly got an urge to escape, my first thought definitely wouldn't be to try to climb some tall building in order to jump from rooftops to rooftops. Heck, at least here were I live, there is like a 50 m gap there to jump. Yet, in quite many movies they are constantly running on rooftops.
At least it wasn't a Skullmonkey. Wait, was the leader of the skeletons a rather...oddly shaped fellow named Joe Head Joe?
NoNewTaleToTell: At least it wasn't a Skullmonkey. Wait, was the leader of the skeletons a rather...oddly shaped fellow named Joe Head Joe?
Look behind you, a three headed monkey skull!
Darvond: This comes from an unverified report from an unknown sources.

It would appear that some skeletons who had broken free from a necromancer's control cheated some Russian men out of their money today in a game of poker. Despite the skeletons having no clear place the hide the cards, things got ugly as one of them had their head removed!
_Bruce_: Evidence has emerged that the skeletons got a hand of 4 Aces, which is clearly impossible.
And a coaster that still counts!
Post edited February 16, 2014 by Darvond
HiPhish: Any skeleton smart enough to cheat people will sooner or later succumb to existential crisis.
Not those skeletons we are talking about. They can cheat death! Or undeath, or existential crisis, or... well, you get the drill! They can cheat, those bloodless cheaters!
thats nice GOG ate my post! :(
*goes off sulking taking it personally*
chezybezy: thats nice GOG ate my post! :(
*goes off sulking taking it personally*
Aww...what was it?
tinyE: Cool! Back to gaming talk! That's what this forum is for. Never played 3 but I adore 1 and 2.

BTW speaking of monsters I've recently been called a troll in another thread....twice. XD
Licurg: You're not a troll. You're a manahore...
He is a troll. If he became a super hero, this would be his theme song. His super hero name would be Trololo Boy. In ancient Rome, they would call him Belua Maximus. If he visited Finland, the natives would call him peikko. If he lived under a bridge, he would try to eat goats like in the story Three Billy Goats Gruff instead of going to the super market.
Post edited February 17, 2014 by monkeydelarge
NoNewTaleToTell: Unsupervised skeletons are starting to be a real nuisance. Where is that necromancer anyway, why isn't he being blamed?
He's on his way, shirtless of course