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Anyone out there likes SOASE? I love it, it's a great RTS/4X (4TX?) game that takes for fucking ever to finish in single player and multiplayer (4 hours? Seriously?). Probably one of the most hardcore RTSes I've enjoyed since Supreme Commander/Company of Heroes after getting it last year. And since I'm a RTS hardcore person, that's hard to do.
I just love the game, however I don't find it very hardcore. I sure takes long as hell but I actually enjoy the calmer pace of it. Hey, it took me days to get the basics of the races and the tech trees, until then I didn't have that slightest clue about any possible strategy whatsoever.
Well, to each his own, but I found the game OK with not a lot of lasting appeal for me personally.
I thought it was a bit lame that all the guns on the ships are static so there is little reason to zoom in and watch a battle.
Some of the mods made the game better, but right now it sits in its DVD Case uninstalled collecting dust.
I have found that every game I have purchased from Stardock wears thin after a short time with me personally. I have purchased four games from Stardock and not one of them is loaded on my HD. In fact I gave GalCiv plus Expansion and GalCiv II away. I tried to give a buddy Sins, but he had already bought it.
Post edited February 09, 2009 by Faithful
I think that if there was ever a slow-paced Battlestar Galactica RTS, it would probably look lot like this. Wait, a BSG mod for SOASE would be pretty AWESOME!
And I jizzed in my pants. (When will that cliche go away?)
I've got the demo installed, I must get around to trying it on of these days. I'm currently replaying sam & max and going through my latest gogs
It sounds like just my kinds of game, except it has no story...
I mostly play games singleplayer for the story, so i can see it'd get repetitive quite quickly without a narrative... wish they'd add one.
Sins - to me - is one of those games that has heart to it - one where you can tell the devlopers are proud of what they have made and have put effort into its construction. Also the expansions comming out are looking very good (giant space bases!!)
Overall I am a singleplayer person myself and the lack of a story mode in sins is a bit of a pain, but honestly when you get into the game I find that a story mode would not be a massive thing needed for it - the gameplay and mechanics are sold enough to be fun (though the ai is a bit too fond of retreating I find - hopefully it will be fixed).
Also whilst early releases of the game were very graphically limited - to allow for playabilty on lower end computers - stardock are putting more graphical enhancements into the game. I will say that its initial release was a bit substandard when compared to many games, but that its getting 1st class support post release which is really ironing out all the little errors and problems. Through patches alone the game has become a lot smoother to play.
Stardock is an awesome studio; I love how they don't just rely on game sales to stay afloat. In an era where game studios are closing and/or firing people, stardock is hiring..
BTW Galactic Civ II (and expansion packs) are as awesome as SINS, but in a turn based way ;)
I enjoy the game. As noted, the lack of story is somewhat of a drawback, but I find the gameplay engaging enough that it's not a big deal.
I love this game. I just wish it had more of a story to keep the single player experience engaging. I hate that I can't sit down very often to play, simply because an hour seems to turn into 4+ very quickly!
I'm also a big fan of Sins, I've got entrenchment pre-ordered and the starbases and upgrades to defensive structures (plus minefields) add quite alot to the exsisting gameplay.
With so many fans I'm sure we could organise some epic online action on IRC sometime soon.
don't have it. plan to buy it.
btw. How corny and at the same time how badass is the title.
I like S-F books and if i saw one titled like that i would surely buy it.
Sins is great. I've put in about 100 hours.
(Equivalent to two games).
Given that I like Civilization and fragile allegiance, would I appreciate Sins? I keep seeing it, and wondering if it would be worth buying.
It is a nice game but I wish to god they would let you get more ships built as you conquer or colonize planets. I hated trying to defend my systems with a small fleet consisting of one battleship surrounded by smaller ship. It would be a great game if it allowed you to produce more as you explore and exploit more planets and their resources...