jamyskis: (For non-Germans that didn't understand "Silvester" - it's German for New Year's Eve)
Novotnus: I think it works this way everywhere where name's day is celebrated.
Legend says that pope Sylvester (or Sylvester II) started the tradition of celebrating this day when the world didn't end at Dec 31, 999 :)
Poor Sylvester II ( by the way, an erudite, astronomer and bright mathematician, in fact too erudite to be sanctified by the conservative and often regresive church ) has nothing to do with it. The 1st of January was, since 153 BC , the date at which political mandates of the Roman Republic started. in 46 BC , Caius Julius Caesar made it the official startiing point of the calendar year. The end of the year was traditionnaly market by celebrations and customary gifts ( small amounts of money, garments ) . The custom of setting the end of year on 31 December was reinstated in 1622 by Pope Gregorius XV. The link with Sylvester comes from the fact that Sylvester I, a 4th century pope, is celebrated on 31 December.