DProject: A lot of SH2's praise goes towards its plot and how everything just clicks. Like the monsters, that actually represent James' persona and his sexual anxiety. Other games did this too, but not to an equally great effect.
I noticed these things in the plot, the town definately has a connection to James that the other titles in the series don't show nearly as well with their protagonists. And the game definately has a lot of fun for me because of it's adventure game elements. It's simply managed to be more unsettling to me than scary, but I'm only about half-way through at this point.
DProject: And when it comes to Homecoming and Origins, they basically recycled the sexy nurses and Pyramid Head (albeit he had a different name in those games, but it's still the same thing: a punisher), although they were tied to James; that's why they look like that. Personally I think SH2 is my favorite of the series. SH3 might be the scarier game, though.
Homecoming and Origins definately had their moments though. I think they were more competently produced than fans would suggest. Maybe thats because I came to them first, I dunno. Has anyone here played Shattered Memories? I think it's quite inspired.