overread: ...
However Soulstorm isn't my bane in this thread its Sword of the Stars - I've got the whole game and expansions and I want to like it. Its got some great cartoony artwork that I like; interesting species; interesting ideas - but but I just can't get on with it. I think its mostly because I've not worked the game out and it can take a very long time on larger maps (and if you've not worked it out the ai crushes you either in one swift stroke or through a very long attrition where you just don't quite get the position to push back nor really defend that well).
I'll work it out someday I will!!
I have this trouble with all 4X games. I thoroughly enjoyed what I've played of SotS, but like you, I purchased the game and all the expansions and find myself completely bogged down in it. I read the immense manual and have tried to learn to play it, but I've yet to spend the time sitting down and really learning by doing. It reminds me of
Evil Genius - in that game, you'd have to be very lucky or have foreknowledge of potential expansions and technologies and what rooms you'll have access to and need to use in order to have any hope of using your first island properly, so you really can't expect to win the first few games - they're more learning experiences than anything.