WhiteElk: i totally agree that the Corruption mechanic of Civ3 was poorly done. It's purpose was to reduce Infinite City Sprawl, but they went too far. Fortunately it is very easy to mod a fix with the Editor. Just add the Corruption Reducing flag to some existing buildings -no need to be a modder, just check some boxes. Or go even deeper and create new small wonders and such (like add a Judicial District which requires 3 Courthouses for every district). Or just download some mods which already address it.
It is the Pollution mechanic which i dislike the most! All it does is make work, adds Nothing to strategy. Corruption at least adds another layer of thinking to the game. But Pollution is fixable also.
GabiMoro: Hey, thanks for that, I didn't know I can adress the coruption issue by using the Editor. I was ok with the pollution :).
By any chance do you know if the Steam version of Civ 3 works on Win 7 64?
I've tried it three times now, and it runs the game, but no sound on the intro for some reason. Good sound in game, but not on intro. Guessing that means the wonder movies (did 3 have them?? Can't remember) won't have sound, but other than that, it looks like it runs fine.
Also, I can't seem to be able to set resolutions so I'm left with big black lines on both sides of the screen.
Minor stuff, really, if you want to play I guess. Although I've never ever played a single game of SMAC, and when I can't get sound on my gog version of that during movies and for me that was enough not to play it. I have a feeling all those "interludes" add to the story, and as such, I want to be able to fully enjoy them if and when I ever can play it.
So, for me game works, no sound on intro (and I'm guessing any in game movies, but that's a guess)
ADDED: Wow, some SERIOUS deja vu here. Brings back a lot of good memories (and some unpleasant ones, goddamned corruption and waste). One of my favorite things about 3 that didn't make it to four was the concept of Armies. That was a blast, especially when you had the four unit ones. LOL. Move over MFers, cuz OFG is coming through!!!! LOL