Was that underrated. If so, I agree completely. Who am I kidding even if it was well regarded it did not get enough praise.
Tarm: Space: Above and Beyond.
Good characters, actors and building episodes on real war stories was brilliant. There's no better fiction than reality. ;)
Ah, yes...dead before the season was over if I remember correct. I was sorely hurt when that one got canceled.
tinyE: *ahem* It is a
softcore porno show.
IShoot4lolz: Lol. The key word in there is still porno ;)
No, the key word is soft. I like my porn uncensored.
mystikmind2000: As in 'Lost' direction then completely 'Lost' the plot and then many of us 'Lost' interest? .... Oh for a second i almost thought i was talking about Heroe's!!
One and the same aren't they. Hero's should have stuck with saving the cheerleader and avoided saving the world, IMO. Lost should have stuck to the first season. I liked the strange Polar Bear and large dinosaur thing. Not so much the love triangle or evil company plot.