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Telika: I don't understand why star trek is praised at all, so don't ask me (i mean, keep not asking me). Is this pyjama-based pax americana utopia so thrilling to so many people?
Fenixp: I found Star Trek rather boring as a TV show, but the message that's hidden beneath many episodes is just so amazing that it kept me going trough its entirety. Except for TOS anyway.
I never found it interesting to watch either. It might be a good show, but it just seem boring to me. Then again i've never really been that interested in the sci-fi genre to begin with...
Some of the shows mentioned in this thread, started out good or became good after some episodes. Shows like The X-Files, The Office US, Dexter, ...
The problem is they became very popular and as a result dragged on for too long resulting in characters, story lines etc. becoming uninteresting, unrealistic, etc.
Also, while I enjoy the Simpsons and South Park, I really find Family Man horribly bland. And, to be honest, Futurama too. But it's hard to call comedy shows overrated : if they function, if they are popular or praised, it means that they do make other people go "ha ha". I can't deny that. So, well, so. What. Dunno.
Post edited December 11, 2013 by Telika
jjsimp: I thought it was all about Hasslehoff with you Germans. From his "singing" to his TV shows like Knight Rider and Baywatch. Anything he makes is gold to your countrymen and women.
Certainly, Hasslehoff is - or was - loved in Germany, too. But the automotive lobby in Germany is as big as the gun lobby in the US. If you want to provoke a German just talk about speed limit on freeways...
Fenixp: I found Star Trek rather boring as a TV show, but the message that's hidden beneath many episodes is just so amazing that it kept me going trough its entirety. Except for TOS anyway.
FoxySage: I never found it interesting to watch either. It might be a good show, but it just seem boring to me. Then again i've never really been that interested in the sci-fi genre to begin with...
haha, I remember after ST: Into Darkness some of my nerdy friends told me to watch Wrath of Khan "It's so much better, keeveek!"

No, it wasn't. It was just bunch of dudes standing and talking for almost 2 hours.
Any show with a laugh track. It is like nails on a chalk board for me. Can not stand them. :(
AndyDivine79: Any show with a laugh track. It is like nails on a chalk board for me. Can not stand them. :(
I feel you. It's like the show thinks we're too stupid to recognize the joke.
AndyDivine79: Any show with a laugh track. It is like nails on a chalk board for me. Can not stand them. :(
sauvignon1: I feel you. It's like the show thinks we're too stupid to recognize the joke.
Indeed. Love your avatar. One of my favorite album covers. I actually own 4 copies of that album. Now if only I could find a nice copy of Red.
This'll likely draw some flack but..."24" it was okay for the first few seasons but I gave up after that due to the predictability of the whole thing which is due to the whole premise of the show really.
HertogJan: Some of the shows mentioned in this thread, started out good or became good after some episodes. Shows like The X-Files, The Office US, Dexter, ...
The problem is they became very popular and as a result dragged on for too long resulting in characters, story lines etc. becoming uninteresting, unrealistic, etc.
While I agree with you about most of those shows dragging on for too long. X-Files never dragged on for too long. I remember mourning that the show ended, but was excited for the movies that were promised. We got what two movies, not enough in my opinion. Look at the two of them now, Duchovny has a Soft-core porn show on Showtime or Skinamax and no one has heard from Gillian since.
Post edited December 11, 2013 by jjsimp
Breaking Bad.
Finished watching s2 recently - so boring. A couple of solid moments here and there but overall the show is a major disappointment considering imdb score.
@All the mentions of Lost: I'm not fond of the show but I was under the impression that most people considered it an underwhelming show anyway so I fail to see how that makes it overrated.

Ohhh, now I get it!
The Big Bang Theory, because it just turns science into pop culture. Many of the concepts mentioned in the series will just stick with a typical layman (I don't mean everyone, but probably 80% of the audience) and may create misconception about science. An example would be that episode where Schrodinger's Cat concept is mentioned...
igortufekcic: The Big Bang Theory, because it just turns science into pop culture. Many of the concepts mentioned in the series will just stick with a typical layman (I don't mean everyone, but probably 80% of the audience) and may create misconception about science. An example would be that episode where Schrodinger's Cat concept is mentioned...
Is this another example of an old bitter man blabbing about how a work of fiction isn't accurate with real life? :P

There is nothing more strange to me. Like a bunch of "historians" on one forums whining how The Vikings is a bad show because costumes are not right and that candles are from wrong period (sic!)
Post edited December 11, 2013 by keeveek
igortufekcic: The Big Bang Theory
I agree. Someone mentionned Lost and Battlestar Galactica earlier in the thread : I think those shows had an amazing start, and then they each chose a direction I don't enjoy at all. Battlestar and Lost went from scifi and Fantasy to mysticism and religion ; Big Bang Theory from geekish stuff to loverboys stuff.
Post edited December 11, 2013 by Potzato