Game of Thrones - Tits and blood for shock value, and stereotyping all around (the baddies have the exotic names and the dysfunctional families with weird sexuality, etc). It's not a bad series, it's well done, I watch it and am eager to see the rest, but it's way way way overrated.
Battlestar Galactica - "And they have a plan". No they don't, and it shows. Again, very watchable, good value, but not thought out, quite random, and a mess of improvised twists and pseudo-mysiticism. With an actual long-term plot, it would have been good.
Rome - Haha. Pure shit. Americanised antique words with hollywoodian coolitude making you expect all characters to pop out a mobile phone at any point.
Father Ted - This is no Fawlty Towers, no IT crowd, no Spaced, To Blackadder, no Black Books. Sorry.
Torchwood - Gets decent-ish in later season, but "Doctor Who for grown ups" just makes it look less mature. Gets points for avoiding heteronormativity whout making a fuss about it.
X-files - Overdependant on the "ooh it's unexplained because it's so unexplainable" and "precisely it's open to interpretation" laziness.
Buffy - Teens kickfighting vampires in high school. Can you accept some people to not be interested ? No you can't, because josswhedonjosswhedonjosswhedon. Shut up.
Prison Break - Good first half-season, even if hilariously conservative (family, god, hard work, and segregation), but then, becomes a stretch-it-for-more-moneys permanent improvisation, and simply becomes worse and worse season after season. That series is a joke.
Post edited December 09, 2013 by Telika